Universität Bonn

Health and Risk Communication Lab EN

09. May 2023

Eye Tracking Workshop Eye Tracking Workshop

 Exploring Attention in Health and Risk Communication

Eye Tracking Heatmap
Eye Tracking Heatmap - An Eye Tracking Heatmap showing gathered and visualized data about the most and least attention capturing sections and elements of a document with icon arrays. © Alice Seffen
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The Health and Risk Communication group recently complemented their communication lab with a Tobii Pro Fusion Eye Tracker (https://www.tobii.com/). This device allows us to capture people's eye movements, providing information on attention and information processing. The Chair can use this method for a variety of interesting research questions. For example, we would like to investigate how certain images in the field of health communication are perceived. Where do people look first? And, how long do they look at specific information?

In March, we attended an Eye Tracking Workshop to refresh the basics of eye tracking, deepen our understanding of the Eye Tracker's functions, and receive impulses for future studies. We also used this opportunity to generate innovative study ideas together. Now, we are excited to use the new Eye Tracker for various research projects. Several studies are currently in planning.

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