Study Medicine in Bonn Succesfully
Top-class research, contemporary teaching and clinical patient care: Students at the Bonn Medical Faculty benefit from this triad. New teaching and learning methods, the use of state-of-the-art techniques and the constant evaluation of teaching quality are guarantees for studying human medicine or dentistry at the highest international level.
From Bonn to the Whole World and from the Whole World to Bonn
Mobility Support
Are you planning a semester abroad or do you not want to complete your practical year at your place of study? Then get information from the "Outgoings" if you want to go abroad and from the "Incomings" if you want to come to Bonn.
The Erasmus program is also available for lecturers and personnel.
M.Sc. Program
If you are looking for an English-language program that is related to a medical degree, we recommend the M.Sc. Program in Molecular Biotechnology or the M.Sc. Program in Neurosciences.
Support Services for International Students
If you receive a form from the International Office on which you have to certify your regular course of studies, please contact the Enquiry and Counseling Office for International Medical Students in the Dean of Studies Office,
Dr. Alvino, consultation hours by appointment, e-mail:
You will need to bring your student ID and a printout of your performance records acquired to date.
International students can also participate in the ERASMUS program. Applications for a study period in a European country abroad are handled by Ms. Hataj in the Dean of Studies Office, e-mail:
Various offers for international students of all faculties are provided by the Department of International Affairs of the University of Bonn. Here, for example, seminars on Rhetoric or in the Area of Intercultural Training can be attended. You can find the current program here.
German as a language of science is part of the language program DaF at the Language Learning Center (SLZ) of the University of Bonn; information about the current offer can be found on the website of the Language Learning Center, an open consultation hour to design a language support customized to your needs takes place on Thursdays 10-11 a.m. in room 3.073 in the main building of the University. You may also be eligible for a language course at the SLZ as Elective Subject I of your medical degree program
If you have linguistic challenges in writing scientific papers, e.g. your doctoral thesis, you can take advantage of an offer for individual writing consultation at the Language Learning Center. To make an appointment, please contact us by e-mail at
The International Club offers a varied program for international and German students. In the evenings, the International Club invites you to cooking, movie or game nights. Occasionally there are also trips, e.g. to other German cities. The program is available on the Internet at
Medical students from Africa, Asia and Latin America can participate free of charge in weekend seminars of the DAAD Physicians Program, which is supervised by Heidelberg University. E-mail:
Dr. phil. Stephanie Alvino
Referentin Fachstudienberatung und internationale Medizinstudierende
Your Way to us
Dean of Studies Office of the Medical Faculty
Venusberg-Campus 1, Gebäude 33, 53127 Bonn