Neuro-aCSis - news and dates
Successful retreat strengthens networking and career prospects

The first retreat of the Neuro-aCSis funding programme took place in Bonn on 2 September 2024. The aim of the retreat was to establish new contacts and strengthen existing networks for the clinician scientists and assistant doctors from the field of neurology.
Another focus of the retreat was a comprehensive overview of the topic of research funding and acquiring third-party funding for research projects. In a detailed presentation, Dr. Lars Scharff (Research Funding Officer / Faculty of Medicine at the University of Bonn) presented the various funding opportunities and gave practical advice on how to submit a successful application. He particularly emphasised funding approaches that specifically support young researchers and promote career development.
The retreat concluded with a round table discussion on career prospects at the location. Advanced Clinician Scientist PD Dr. Christina Weisheit, Senior Physician at the Department of Anaesthesiology and Operative Intensive Care Medicine at the University Hospital Bonn and ACCENT Programme fellow, reported on her experiences and answered the fellows' questions on career opportunities and the challenges of successfully combining clinical responsibility and scientific work in detail.
Kick off - Meeting Fellows, 2nd november 2023

PD Dr. Ildiko Racz
Science Management - Coordination Internal Funding
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn
Dr. Dorothea Schmitt
Science Management - Coordination Internal Funding
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn
Dr. Janna Rudolph
Science Management - Coordination Internal Funding
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn