
Dr. med. Tim Ebert

Dr. med. Tim Ebert is an assistant physician at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. He is part of the research group “Neurohomeostasis” (led by: Dr. Nils Gassen), as well as the Department of Systems Immunology & Proteomics at the Institute of Innate Immunity (led by: Prof. Felix Meissner).

During his medical studies at the Technical University Munich, he completed his medical doctoral thesis at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in the research group of Dr. Carsten Wotjak, where he focused on the identification of biomarkers of early dementia in animal models. After completing his studies, he began his specialist training at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the UKB in 2020 and became a member of the RG "Neurohomeostasis. There, he mainly focused on the effects of psychosocial stress on homeostatic processes, such as autophagy, and their influence on the development of stress-associated diseases (such as depression).

As part of the Neuro aCSis fellowship, he is investigating the influence of stress on systemic processes to learn more about the interplay between whole-body changes and mental state. He particularly focusses on the influence of stress on protein changes and signaling cascades. To this end, he joined Prof. Meissner's department at the Institute of Innate Immunity, who has extensive expertise in the application and interpretation of modern mass spectrometry-based methods for the identification of signaling cascades and potential biomarkers. The long-term goal of his research is to better understand the pathogenesis of stress-associated diseases and to contribute to the development of new treatment options.


Dr. med. Tim Ebert

Clinic and Polyclinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn2



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