Dr. med. Tobias Bauer, B.sc.
Dr. med. Tobias Bauer is a resident physician at the Department of Neuroradiology and conducts research in the Translational Neuroimaging Group (Head: PD Dr. med. Theodor Rüber) at the Department of Neuroradiology (Director: Prof. Dr. med. Ass. iur. Alexander Radbruch) and the Department of Epileptology (Director: Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Surges, MHBA).
Tobias Bauer studied nautics at the University of Wismar, mathematics at the University of Hagen and human medicine at the University of Bonn, where he completed his doctorate on the subject of "Investigation of structural connectivity in people with limbic encephalitis".
Building on this, he is working on the image-based phanotyping of autoimmune encephalitides in adults and children as part of the Neuro-aCSis fellowship. As a data basis for computer-assisted evaluation, he uses MRI images from routine clinical practice in Bonn and cooperating epilepsy centers (Berlin, Bielefeld, London) as well as new modalities of 7T ultra-high field imaging in collaboration with the MR Physics Department at the DZNE Bonn (Head: Prof. Dr. Tony Stöcker). The aim is to use data-driven analyses, longitudinal modelling and multimodal brain maps to provide a clinically significant characterization of distinct autoimmune encephalitis phenotypes. The resulting models are to be integrated into therapy planning and follow-up in the future and thus improve the care of adults and children with autoimmune encephalitis.
Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tobias-Bauer-113
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.de/citations?user=CcQa1jAAAAAJ&hl=de&oi=sra3
- https://www.translationalneuroimaging.de/tobias-bauer
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=%28bauer%2C+tobias%5BAuthor%5D%29+AND+%28bonn+epileptology%5BAffiliation%5D%29&sort=date
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tobias-Bauer-11
- https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0555-6214