Project Boost for 'Lateral Entrants' (3)

Funding Instrument 3

Project Boost for 'Lateral Entrants'

Scientists with excellent project proposal

With this instrument, scientists with excellent project proposals who have not had their own funding in the last five years are supported in generating preliminary data for DFG applications.

For who?

  • Individuals who wish to resume their research due to their life history (family/health/partner).
  • Research partners of new appointees
  • Also changing employees of new appointees
Pharmazeutische Abfüllanlange
© Colourbox


Required Qualification

  • Completed Doctorate

Award Criteria

  • The scope of the preliminary data and the applicant's publication record should be such that an extramural external funding application can be submitted if the project is successful.
  • Applicant can present an employment contract for 4 years.


Personnel funds
Please justify the planned type of personnel in terms of the project: 100% non-scientific employee or 65% doctoral position (lump sum according to the current DFG personnel funding rates) or SHK/WHK (no postdoc, remuneration and scope of employment according to the SHK/WHK guidelines of the University of Bonn).

    Core Facility Services
    max. 3,000 € per year (exclusively CF established at UCB)

    Max. 15,000 € per year (incl. animal costs and computer software, hardware support and technical equipment are excluded).

    Travel and publication costs
    Application for funding to cover travel and publication costs is excluded.

    Duration of Funding

    12 months

    Continuation Funding


    Combination Possibilities and Follow-up Funding



    Step 1

    Project Application

    • Contacting the Team Internal Funding
    • Consultation by the Team Internal Funding
    • Getting Access to the BONFOR eApplication system
    • Submission of the project application via the BONFOR eApplication system.

    Step 2

    Appraisal & Decision

    One internal and one external expert opinion, commission consultation

    Step 3

    Project Execution

    12 months

    Step 4

    Evaluation & Project Presentation

    • Final report to the date of account closure
    • Documentation of external follow-up financing and publications achieved
    • Presentation of the research project at the BONFOR symposium

    Application & Deadlines

    Submission of the project application in English including mandatory and additional documents via the BONFOR eApplication system.

    Project Application

    Please use the following template to describe your project proposal (in English language):

    Please use the following document for your project proposal:

    Required Documents

    The following documents are required for your application:

    • Project Application in english language (s. template)

    • One page of summary of the research project

    • Curriculum vitae and scientific background of both applicants (with exam grades)

    • Doctoral Certificate

    • List of publications of the applicant (proof of first own publications according to the above-mentioned award criteria)

    • Declaration of current employment contract duration1 and job commitment from the clinic/institute management (text template).

    • Signed guidelines for the use of BONFOR funds4

    • Declaration BONFOR-applicant5

    1 If the requested BONFOR funding period is incompletely covered by the employment contract: job extension request from the clinic/institute management for the remaining period, if necessary subject to BONFOR funding approval: see UKB intranet: Kfm.Direktion - Geschäftsbereich 1 - Recruiting - Antrag auf Durchführung einer Personalmaßnahme (German only).

    • Commitment of the institution's management for at least a 3-year contract period for the doctoral position
    • Supervision agreement of a university teacher for the doctoral student
    • Cooperation agreement(s)
    • Votum of the Ethics commission
    • Animal Testing Permit
    • Further Documentation
    • Declaration of commitment6
    • Proof
      Confirmation that the applicant will be given adequate time to complete the project and that a DFG application will be supported.

    • Workplace Agreement
      for the requested BONFOR funding period

    • Employment Contract
      This contract must be in place from the application deadline at the latest and last at least 3 years beyond the BONFOR funding period. If an extension of the employment contract is required, it can be applied for at GB1 subject to the BONFOR funding approval.

      (Please clarify details with the BONFOR office in due time and prior to BONFOR application submission).


    Grant applications may be submitted at any time, but must be submitted via the BONFOR eApplication system no later than the application deadline for the respective meeting date. 


    Avatar Racz

    PD Dr. Ildiko Racz

    Science Management - Coordination Internal Funding

    Venusberg-Campus 1

    53127 Bonn

    Avatar Schmitt

    Dr. Dorothea Schmitt

    Science Management - Coordination Internal Funding

    Venusberg-Campus 1

    53127 Bonn

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