Förderinstrument 5
Data Set-Generation in Core Facilities
Generation of Data sets in Core Facilities
Generate data sets such as omics and high-throughput imaging data sets as part of a project expansion as a basis for soliciting extramural externally funded projects.
For who?
All young scientists working at institutions of the Medical Faculty with an independent scientific concept and ongoing third-party funding (DFG e.g. Emmy Noether, Else Kröner-Fresenius, BMBF, ERC, Krebshilfe, BONFOR, others on request).

Required Qualification
- Young researchers with a doctorate but not yet habilitated
Award Criteria
- The underlying research question must be scientifically well founded (hypothesis-driven in a broader sense), and preliminary data must demonstrate that the investigation is promising.
- The concept for statistical analysis and interpretation of the data sets is a crucial part of the evaluation.
- A bioinformatics power analysis must be provided that demonstrates that the targeted data set is likely to be statistically appropriate by size and quality to verify or refute the hypothesis.
- A convincing case must be made as to how this data set can serve as the basis for soliciting an extramural externally funded project.
- If established Core Facilities at the Faculty provide the needed service, they are to be utilized.
- If the planned research cannot be adequately provided by any of the Core Facilities of the Medical Faculty in terms of scope, quality, or reasonable time frame, appropriate confirmation must be provided by the head of the Core Facility concerned.
Breakdown of costs
The application must be accompanied by a cost breakdown from Core Facility management and their confirmation of the nature and scope of the services to be provided.
Core Facility Services
From € 5.000 to max. € 30.000 (exclusively CF established at the Medical Facutly of the University of Bonn).
Approved funds in funding instrument 5 may only be used for the specific purpose.
Duration of Funding
Request for funds within 6 months
Continuation Funding
Combination Possibilities and Follow-up Funding
The application is possible both in addition to the funding instrument 1 and 2 (previous granting of funding is required) and independently of it (in this case other funding must be proven).
Step 1
Project Application
- Contacting the Team Internal Funding
- Consultation by the Team Internal Funding
- Getting Access to the BONFOR eApplication system
- Submission of the project application via the BONFOR eApplication system.
Step 2
Appraisal & Decision
- One internal and one external expert opinion
- commission consultation
Step 3
Project Execution
- Request for funds within 6 months
Step 4
Evaluation & Project Presentation
- End-of-funding report by date of account closure
- Documentation of external follow-up financing and publications achieved
- Presentation of the research project at the BONFOR symposium
Application & Deadlines
Submission of the project application in English including mandatory and additional documents via the BONFOR eApplication system.
Project Application
Please use the following template to describe your project proposal (in English language):
Please use the following document for your project proposal:
Required Documents
The following documents are required for your application:
Project Application (s. template)
One page of summary of the research project
Cost breakdown from the Core Facility Manager and confirmation letter (see requirements above).
Curriculum vitae and scientific career with list of own third-party funding (current funding: Funding source, funding number, funding period, funding amount).
List of publications of the applicant (last 5 years)
- Declaration BONFOR-applicant6
- Collaboration agreement(s): Naming of bioinformaticians, statisticians or other experts whose support the applicant will need outside his/her institute for data generation or analysis, including a brief written statement by these persons that they will support this project and to what extent.
- Further Documents
- no
Grant applications may be submitted at any time, but must be submitted via the BONFOR eApplication system no later than the application deadline for the respective meeting date.
PD Dr. Ildiko Racz
Wissenschaftsmanagement - Koordination Interne Förderung
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn
Dr. Dorothea Schmitt
Science Management - Coordination Internal Funding
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/en/research/research-funding/bonfor/funding-tools/datensatz-generierung-in-core-facilities-5#antrag
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/en/research/research-funding/bonfor/application-allocation/bonfor-eantrag?set_language=en
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/de/forschung/forschungsfoerderung/bonfor/medien/weitere-download-dokumente/checkliste_en_5.pdf
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/de/forschung/forschungsfoerderung/bonfor/medien/projektantraege-deutsch-englisch/project_application_instr5_en-1.docx
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/de/forschung/forschungsfoerderung/bonfor/medien/weitere-download-dokumente/verwendungsrichtlinien_bonfor-foerdermittel-20250224-en_final.pdf
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/de/forschung/forschungsfoerderung/bonfor/medien/verpflichtungserklaerungen-foerderinstrumente/erklaerung-bonfor-antragsteller-1.docx
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/en/research/research-funding/bonfor/application-allocation/fristen?set_language=en