How It Is Decided
Evaluation and Award Decision on BONFOR Research Applications

Allocation Procedure

BONFOR grant applications are assessed in a two-step process.

Expert Opinion

  • An internal expert opinion is obtained for all BONFOR applications (funding instrument 6: two internal expert opinions).
  • In the case of applications for funding instruments 1 to 3 as well as 5, 6 and 8, an external review is also carried out (funding instrument 6: two external reviews).
  • In funding instrument 4, a selection interview is held with the candidates in addition to the internal application review.

The reviewers are members of the commission, professors of the Bonn Medical Faculty and external experts. Internal and external reviewers are urged to decline to review an application in the event of a conflict of interest.

Applications will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Recency and originality of the research topic
  • Quality of the application
  • Feasibility of the work program
  • Opportunities for extramural follow-up funding
  • Qualification and previous scientific achievements of the applicant
  • Scientific environment, overall impression
  • Cooperation/Interdisciplinarity
  • Adequacy of the requested funds

In case of objections

If there are weighty and well-founded objections to an external evaluation, one of the following alternative arrangements is possible:

  • Applicant names external reviewers to be excluded (negative list)
  • Applicant submits 3 reviewer proposals (positive list of external reviewers)
  • Instead of an external appraisal, 2 internal appraisals are obtained.

Allocation Decision

At the commission meetings, which usually take place 3 times a year, the applications are discussed and decided on the basis of the experts' recommendations and the available budget funds. The commission is given broad discretion in implementing the funding instruments outlined in the program.

If a commission member's institution is itself involved in an application, the member will not participate in the application discussion and vote. All positive funding decisions are submitted to the Medical Dean's Office for final decision.

Continuation of BONFOR-like Funding Projects
in Case of Relocation to Bonn

BONFOR's unaudited acquisition of external funding similar to BONFOR is excluded.
Funding continuation is only possible after the project has been re-evaluated (submission of a BONFOR funding application) by the BONFOR Commission.

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