Research Commission
With the establishment of the BONFOR program, the Medical Faculty of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn has created a valuable instrument for targeted in-house research funding. Both clinically applied and practice-oriented research as well as medical basic research are funded on equal terms. The decisive factor for funding is the scientific quality of the applications within the framework of the BONFOR funding criteria.
The BONFOR SciMed Commission decides on the BONFOR-funded doctoral scholarships, funding applications for all other instruments are dealt with in the meetings of the BONFOR Research Commission.
BONFOR-Research Commission
The BONFOR Research Commission establishes the guidelines for the funding instruments. In its meetings, it decides on the use of the funds made available and gives funding recommendations on the basis of expert opinions and according to application reviews.
Members of the BONFOR Research Commission
The Dean of the Medical Faculty, a group elected by the Dean's Office consisting of professors, scientific staff and student representatives working full-time at the Medical Faculty, as well as a chairperson and a deputy chairperson elected from this group.
The university professors in the commission should have many years of experience in the management of scientific working groups, in the acquisition of third-party funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) or comparable organizations, and in research assessment. The scientific staff members of the commission are expected to show above-average commitment to research. When appointing members to the committees, it is ensured that the aspects of clinical-applied research and basic sciences are adequately represented.
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Susanne Schoch McGovern (Institute of Neuropathology)
Vice chairperson
Prof. Dr. med. Markus Essler (Department of Nuclear Medicine)
Prof. Thomas Becker (Institute for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
PD Svenja Beisel-Memmert (Polyclinic for Orthodontics)
Prof. Regina Betz (Institute for Human Genetics)
Prof. Sandra Blaess (Institute for Reconstructive Neurobiology)
Prof. Henning Boecker (Clinic of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology - Experimental Radiology)
Prof. Peter Brossart (Medical Clinic III)
Prof. Volker Busskamp (University Eye Clinic)
Prof. Dirk Dietrich (Clinic for Neurosurgery)
Prof. Dagmar Dilloo (Children's Clinic - Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology)
Prof. Matthias Geyer (Institute for Structural Biology)
Prof. Christian Henneberger (Institute for Cellular Neuroscience)
Prof. Michael Hölzel (Institute for Experimental Oncology)
Prof. Marc Hübner (Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology)
Prof. Stephanie Jung (Institute for Cardiovascular Immunology)
Prof. Sven Klaschik (Clinic for Anesthesiology and Surgical Intensive Care Medicine)
Prof. Anna-Christin Konermann (Polyclinic for Orthodontics)
Prof. Lukas Kunz (Department of Epileptology)
Prof. Stefanie Kürten (Anatomical Institute)
Prof. Christian Kurts (Institute for Experimental Immunology)
Prof. Jennifer Landsberg (Clinic for Dermatology and Allergology)
Prof. Felix Meissner (Institute of Innate Immunity)
Prof. Jacob Nattermann (Medical Clinic I)
Prof. Georg Nickenig (Medical Clinic II)
Prof. Gabor Petzold (Clinic for Neurology)
Prof. Wilhelm Röll (Heart Surgery Clinic)
Prof. Tobias Rose (Institute for Experimental Epileptology and Cognitive Research)
Prof. Dr. med. Dipl.-Kfm. Heiko Rühl (Institute of Experimental Haematology and Transfusion Medicine)
Prof. Carmen Ruiz de Almodovar (Institute for Neurovascular Cell Biology)
Prof. Anja Schneider (Clinic for Neurodegenerative Diseases and Gerontopsychiatry)
Prof. Hubert Schorle (Institute of Pathology)
Prof. Eva Schulte (Clinic for Psychiatry)
Prof. Valentin Schäfer (Medical Clinic II, Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology)
Prof. Valentin Stein (Institute of Physiology II)
Prof. Ina Maja Vorberg (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Bonn)
Prof. Sven Wehner (Clinic for General, Visceral, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery)
Prof. Christoph Wilhelm (Institute for Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Pharmacology)
Dr. Johannes Chang ( Medical Clinic I)
Dr. Maximilian Funken (Medical Clinic II)
Dr. Aylin Mehren (Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy)
Dr. Christina Weisheit (Clinic for Anesthesiology and Surgical Intensive Care Medicine)
Jan Antoine Dauvergne
Johanna Klein
PhD PD ldiko Racz
Dr. Dorothea Schmitt
The BONFOR doctoral scholarship (funding instrument 4) is integrated into the study-accompanying SciMed doctoral collegium of the Medical Faculty of the University of Bonn under the name SciMed doctoral scholarship.
Members of the BONFOR SciMed Commission
The awarding of BONFOR-funded doctoral scholarships is decided by the BONFOR SciMed Commission established for this purpose, whose members perform tasks accompanying the doctorate (mentoring, midterm evaluation) in addition to reviewing and deciding on applications.
Funding requests for all other instruments will be addressed at BONFOR Commission meetings.
Prof. Dr. med. Michael Hölzel (Institute of Experimental Oncology)
Vice chairperson
Prof. Dr. med. Albert J. Becker (Institute for Neuropathology)
Prof. Tobias Bald (Institute of Experimental Oncology)
Prof. Dirk Baumjohann (Medical Clinic III für Oncology, Heamatology, Immunooncology and Rheumatology)
Prof. Sandra Blaess (Institute for Reconstructive Neurobiology)
Prof. Henning Boecker (Clinic and Polyclinic for Nuclear Medicine)
Prof. Dagmar Dilloo (Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology)
Prof. Bernardo Franklin (Institute for Innate Immunity )
Prof. Natalio Garbi (Institute for Experimental Immunology)
Prof. Matthias Geyer (Institute for Structural Biology)
Prof. Christian Henneberger (Institute for Cellular Neuroscience)
PD Dr. Niklas Klümper (Department of Urology and pediatric Urology)
Prof. Glen Kristiansen (Institute of Pathology)
Prof. Björn Krüger (Department of Epileptology)
Prof. Stefanie Kürten (Anatomical Institute)
Prof. Jennifer Landsberg (Clinic and Polyclinic for Dermatology and Allergology)
Prof. Veronika Lukacs-Kornek (Institute for Experimental Immunology)
PD Dr. Dr. Cornelia McCormick (Department of Old Age Psychiatry and Cognitive Disorders)
Prof. Radoslaw Nowak (Institute for Structural Biology)
Prof. Benjamin Odermatt (Anatomical Institute)
Prof. Katrin Paeschke (Medical Clinic III for Hämatology-Oncology)
Prof. Aleksandra Pandyra (Institute for Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Pharmacology)
Prof. Gabor Petzold (Neurological Clinic)
PD. Dr. Julika Pitsch (Department of Epileptology)
Prof. Stefanie Poll (Institute of Experimental Epileptology and Cognition Research)
Prof. Alexander Radbruch (Clinic for Neuroradiology)
PD Dr. Theodor Rüber (Department of Epileptology)
PD Dr. Hemmen Sabir (Department of Neonatology at the Center for Children's Medicine)
Prof. Philipp Sasse (Physiological Institute I)
Prof. Martin Schlee (Institute for Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Pharmacology)
Prof. Jonathan Schmid-Burgk (Institute for Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Pharmacology)
PD Dr. Matthias Schneider (Clinik und Policlinic for Neurochirurgy)
Prof. Susanne Schoch McGovern (Institute of Neuropathology)
Prof. Hubert Schorle (Institute of Pathology)
Prof. Ulrich Schweizer (Institute for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
Prof. Valentin Stein (Physiological Institute II)
Prof. Christian Steinhäuser (Institute for Cellular Neuroscience)
Prof. Marieta Toma (Institute of Pathology)
Prof. Dagmar Wachten (Institute for Innate Immunity)
PD. Dr. Michael Wenzel (Department of Epileptology)
Prof. Christoph Wilhelm (Institute for Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Pharmacology)
Prof. Sebastian Zimmer (Medical Clinic and Polyclinic II) Prof. Tobias Bald (Institute of Experimental Oncology)
Prof. Dirk Baumjohann (Medical Clinic III für Oncology, Heamatology, Immunooncology and Rheumatology)
Prof. Sandra Blaess (Institute for Reconstructive Neurobiology)
Prof. Henning Boecker (Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology - Experimental Radiology)
Prof. Dagmar Dilloo (Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology)
Prof. Bernardo Franklin (Institute for Innate Immunity )
Prof. Natalio Garbi (Institute for Experimental Immunology)
Prof. Matthias Geyer (Institute for Structural Biology)
Prof. Christian Henneberger (Institute for Cellular Neuroscience)
PD Dr. Niklas Klümper (Department of Urology and pediatric Urology)
Prof. Glen Kristiansen (Institute of Pathology)
Prof. Björn Krüger (Department of Epileptology)
Prof. Stefanie Kürten (Anatomical Institute)
Prof. Jennifer Landsberg (Clinic and Polyclinic for Dermatology and Allergology)
Prof. Veronika Lukacs-Kornek (Institute for Experimental Immunology)
PD Dr. Dr. Cornelia McCormick (Department of Old Age Psychiatry and Cognitive Disorders)
Prof. Radoslaw Nowak (Institute for Structural Biology)
Prof. Benjamin Odermatt (Anatomical Institute)
Prof. Johannes Oldenburg (Institute for Experimental Hematology and Transfusion Medicine)
Prof. Katrin Paeschke (Medical Clinic III for Hämatology-Oncology)
Prof. Aleksandra Pandyra (Institute for Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Pharmacology)
Prof. Gabor Petzold (Neurological Clinic)
PD Dr. Julika Pitsch (Department of Epileptology)
Prof. Stefanie Poll (Institute of Experimental Epileptology and Cognition Research)
Prof. Alexander Radbruch (Clinic for Neuroradiology)
PD Dr. Theodor Rüber (Department of Epileptology)
PD Dr. Hemmen Sabir (Department of Neonatology at the Center for Children's Medicine)
Prof. Philipp Sasse (Physiological Institute I)
Prof. Martin Schlee (Institute for Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Pharmacology)
Prof. Jonathan Schmid-Burgk (Institute for Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Pharmacology)
PD Dr. Matthias Schneider (Clinik und Policlinic for Neurochirurgy)
Prof. Susanne Schoch McGovern (Institute of Neuropathology)
Prof. Hubert Schorle (Institute of Pathology)
Prof. Ulrich Schweizer (Institute for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
Prof. Valentin Stein (Physiological Institute II)
Prof. Christian Steinhäuser (Institute for Cellular Neuroscience)
Prof. Marieta Toma (Institute of Pathology)
Prof. Dagmar Wachten (Institute for Innate Immunity)
PD. Dr. Michael Wenzel (Department of Epileptology)
Prof. Christoph Wilhelm (Institute for Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Pharmacology)
Prof. Sebastian Zimmer (Medical Clinic and Polyclinic II)
Jakob Pantenburg
Annika Scheer
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