BONFOR Research Funding Program 

BONFOR is the central funding program of the Faculty of Medicine and offers scientists funding opportunities at almost all career stages.

BONFOR aims to improve the framework conditions for young scientists and to support high-quality research projects.

© Universitätsklinikum Bonn

What makes us


Career Development

Supporting young scientists at different stages of their careers.


Doctoral Funding

Promoting ambitious doctoral degrees in medicine.


Innovations Funding

Supporting innovative projects from all areas of medicine as early stage funding for the acquisition of external third-party funding.


Structural Support

Establishing and promoting competitive, interdisciplinary research projects and research structures.



Promoting interdisciplinary and interfaculty collaboration.


Transparent Funding

The allocation of funds is based on a strict and transparent review process.

The Funding Tools

The BONFOR program currently includes 9 funding instruments for different career stages, as individual funding, project group funding and extension funding.
Particular attention is paid to aspects of women's promotion1 in the case of female scientists who are in the process of reintegrating into their careers after parental leave or a family phase.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Johann F. Saba / UKB

Gerok-Position (1A)

The goal of this tool is to strengthen clinical research during or even after specialization.

The Gerok-Position is meant for young physicians from clinical institutions.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Johann F. Saba / UKB

Start Up Postdoc Fellowship (1B)

This instrument enables young scientists to further develop or newly develop their own research area in order to be able to acquire a junior research group (Instr. 2) and extramural third-party funding after the BONFOR funding period.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Johann F. Saba / UKB

NWG - Independent Research project (2A)

The purpose of this instrument is the competitive funding of young scientists with independent research projects. It provides resources to establish a dedicated workgroup and collect date to gain extramural third-party funding eligibility.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Johann F. Saba / UKB

NWG - Cooperation Project (2B)

The tool supports the establishment of junior research groups in a collaborative project of two junior scientists from a clinic and an  institute. The goal is to strengthen research at clinics and promote interactions within the faculty.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Johann F. Saba / UKB

Advanced Clinician Scientist (8)

Funding for young scientists from the field of medicine to consolidate and further develop their field of research.

Application currently not possible.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Johann F. Saba / UKB

SciMed-Doctoral Scholarship (4)

The SciMed Doctoral Scholarship offers scientifically motivated students of human medicine and dentistry the opportunity to make an early start in biomedical research with an ambitious experimental doctoral thesis.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Johann F. Saba / UKB

Data Set Generation in Core Facilities (5)

The goal of this instrument is to generate data sets (such as omics and high-throughput imaging data sets) as part of a project expansion as a basis for soliciting extramural externally funded projects.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Johann Saba

Joint projects (6)

This instrument is intended to support the acquisition of extramurally funded joint projects. Collaborative data and joint publications that serve as a promising basis for applying for a new research network can be generated.

Application currently not possible.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Johann F. Saba / UKB

Materials Funding for ext. Scholarship Holders (7)

For research projects of external scientists who are scientifically active at institutions of the Faculty of Medicine via an external scholarship, funding can be requested for cost-intensive, above-average projects.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Johann F. Saba / UKB

Project Boost for 'Lateral Entrants' (3)

With this instrument, scientists with excellent project proposals who have not had their own funding in the last 5 years are supported in generating preliminary data for DFG applications.

Technologieentwicklung im Rahmen der Core Facilities
© Johann F. Saba / UKB

Technological Development in Core Facilities (9)

The goal of this funding instrument is to enable technology development within the Core Facilities. This is to ensure that the Core Facilities can represent state-of-the-art and innovative, novel methods.

Application possible again in 2027.

Durchführung einer Laparoaskopie
© Johann F. Saba / UKB

Bonn Neuroscience Clinician Scientist Program - Neuro-aCSis (12)

The programme is aimed at research-oriented physicians in residency training. The scientific focus is on the connections between diseases of the nervous system and systemic factors.


Establishment of the BONFOR
Research Funding Program


Funding Instruments


Funded Projects

Current Application Deadlines 2025

Grant applications may be submitted at any time, but must be submitted via the BONFOR eApplication System no later than the application deadline for the respective funding instrument. After the deadline, incomplete applications in the eSystem cannot be considered.

Application Deadlines for All Instruments
(except SciMed Doctoral Scholarship)

  • 13. May 2025 (23:59 o'clock) for the application meeting of the BONFOR Commission on 09. July 2025 (16 o'clock). Expected start of funding is 01.08.2025.
  • 10. September 2025 (23:59 o'clock) for the application meeting of the BONFOR Commission on 06. November 2025 (16 o'clock ). Expected start of funding is 01.01.2026.

Application Deadlines for the SciMed-Doctoral Scholarship

  • 29. April 2025 (23:59 o'clock) for the application meeting of the BONFOR Commission on the 25. Juni 2025 (16 o'clock). Expected funding period: 01.07.2025 - 30.06.2026.
  • 12. August 2025 (23:59 o'clock) for the application meeting of the BONFOR Commission on the 06. October 2025 (16 o'clock). Expected funding period: 01.12.2025 - 30.11.2026

BONFOR eApplication

Applications for BONFOR funding can only be submitted electronically via the BONFOR eApplication system.

The requirement for access to the system is an informal application by e-mail for an access identification to the Team Internal Funding, stating the desired funding instrument and the applicant's professional contact details. For applications in funding instruments 4 and 7, the name and e-mail address of the doctoral candidate or the external scholarship holder are also required.

Application & Allocation

Information on the Application Procedure

Research Commissions

Who decides on your application?


Application templates, guidelines and explanations for all funding instruments.

BONFOR-Symposium 2025

The next BONFOR Symposium will take place on May 7, 2025.

Coordination & Consulting

If you have any questions about the funding instruments or the application process, please contact the Coordination Office for Internal Funding

Avatar Racz

PD Dr. Ildiko Racz

Science Management - Coordination Internal Funding

Venusberg-Campus 1

53127 Bonn

Avatar Schmitt

Dr. Dorothea Schmitt

Science Management - Coordination Internal Funding

Venusberg-Campus 1

53127 Bonn

Avatar Rudolph

Dr. Janna Rudolph

Science Management - Coordination Internal Funding

Venusberg-Campus 1

53127 Bonn

Avatar Wolff

Dr. Heike Wolff

Science Management- Coordination Internal Funding

Venusberg-Campus 1

53127 Bonn

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