6 Special Featues of the Programme
In addition to the substantial funding amount, the ACCENT programme offers numerous other benefits and support mechanisms. Below you will find an overview of some of them.
Guaranteed Time Off from Clinical Work
Funding through the ACCENT Programme includes a protected release of 50% of the working time for research activities. For this purpose, a binding declaration of commitment to the protected research time is drawn up by the hospital management, the funded person and the medical faculty before the start of the funding.
Deviations from this declaration can be reported directly to the programme management by the ACS representative of the Executive Board. Furthermore, compliance with the protected research time is also assessed during the annual interim evaluation. Tandems with experienced Advanced Clinician Scientists are designed to help ACCENT fellows manage their time and make the most of their own research opportunities.

Mentoring Programme
The co-affiliation of the ACS with basic research institutes is intended to promote interdisciplinary and translational research projects in particular. This goal is also supported by a 2-mentor system. Each ACS is assigned two mentors at the beginning of the funding period.
One of these persons comes from the basic sciences, but does not work at the host institute. The other usually has a clinician scientist background, but also has no direct association with the clinic of the ACS.
The funded ACSs can make their own suggestions for mentors. The Executive Board reviews these proposals and, if necessary, proposes mentors itself.
Qualification Programme
During the funding period, the ACSs receive access to a comprehensive qualification programme. On the one hand, this is aimed at sharpening leadership skills and includes courses on didactics, personnel development and hospital economics. On the other hand, it also aims to strengthen the personal development of the ACS, for example through courses on communication skills, team-oriented work and conflict management. The courses are covered by lecturers from the UKB, the University of Bonn or by external services.
There is also the possibility to integrate further modules based on the specific needs of the ACS. However, completion of the qualification programme is a prerequisite for continued funding and successful completion of the ACCENT programme.

The aim of the ACCENT programme is not only to promote translational research at the Bonn site, but above all to prepare ACSs for taking on scientific as well as clinical leadership positions. The mentoring programme plays an important role here. According to the "SODOTO" concept (see one, do one, teach one), the ACS are to see how their mentors lead departments and how they pass on their knowledge to their mentees.
In addition, participants in the ACCENT programme receive access to professional coaching services (e.g. from the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers) or to coaches with experience in university medicine. Each participant is guaranteed a certain number of hours for individual coaching, with the option to apply for more if needed.
Uncomplicated Contact
The research time and also the corresponding financial support can only be used effectively if problems in project planning are solved quickly. Experience has shown that ACSs are confronted with a large number of hurdles, especially administrative ones, at the beginning of the funding period. In order to provide quick and uncomplicated assistance, the Coordination Office for Internal Funding is the first point of contact for researchers.
In addition to funding advice, the office offers direct support with administrative processes such as event planning. It also provides direct access to competent contact persons and points at the UKB and the University of Bonn.

Career Options
After six years of funding, ACCENT fellows will ideally have all the necessary knowledge and skills to fill clinical leadership positions. Some of them are expected to have reached the position of senior physician or already head their own department. The Faculty of Medicine would like to support the professional development of the ACS beyond the programme.
The faculty management will therefore hold personal career development discussions with particularly outstanding ACCENT graduates towards the end of the funding period. The ACCENT selection process already includes some characteristics of an appointment process. Therefore, in the event of a positive evaluation, these interviews may also include the option for a professorship.