Organisation & Governance

Organisation & Governance

The governance structure of the ACCENT programme consists of three committees. The central body is the Executive Board. This is supported by a Steering Committee and an International Advisory Board.

The Executive Board is responsible for the scientific structure and organisation of the programme. It also oversees the financial plan and establishes measures for evaluation and quality control. Together with the BONFOR Commission, it is responsible for the selection process. Members of the Executive Board are the programme spokespersons, committed professors, the Dean of the Medical Faculty and the Medical Director of the UKB. In addition, the funded ACSs elect one additional member from among themselves each year.

The Steering Committee includes selected, experienced hospital and institute directors from the University Medical Centre Bonn. Through their objective position, the members have an overview of the programme and advise the Executive Board on strategic decisions.

The members of the International Advisory Board are renowned scientists from other European countries and the USA, who are particularly distinguished by their personal Clinician Scientist background. They participate in the selection process, the evaluation of the programme and the interim evaluation of the funded ACS.

The central point of contact for the ACS in all administrative matters is the Coordination Office for Internal Funding of the Faculty of Medicine. Each ACS is also assigned two mentors from the clinical and research fields to advise them on scientific and clinical matters. These can be named by the ACS themselves or selected by the Executive Board.

In the event of conflict situations, Prof. Dr. Tilmann Sauerbruch is available to the ACS as an ombudsperson.

Governance Struktur


Executive Board

  • Prof. Dr. Anja Schneider (Spokesperson)
  • Prof. Dr. Annkristin Heine (Co-Spokesperson)
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Hölzel
  • Prof. Dr. Gabor Petzold
  • Prof. Dr. Sven Wehner
  • Prof. Dr. Bernd Weber (Dean; acting CEO, University Hospital Bonn )
  • Dr. Judith Sirokay (ACS-fellow)

Steering Committee

  • Prof. Dr. Ulrike Attenberger
  • Prof. Dr. Dagmar Dilloo
  • Prof. Dr. Susanne Schoch-McGovern
  • Prof. Dr. Stefanie Kürten
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Klockgether
  • Prof. Dr. Jörg Kalff
  • Prof. Dr. Eicke Latz
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Kurts

International Advisory Board

  • Prof. Dr. David Holtzman (Washington University)
  • Prof. Dr. Dominik Wolf (University Innsbruck)
  • Prof. Dr. Benedicte De Winter (University Antwerpen)

Programme Management

Prof. Dr. med. Anja Schneider
Director Clinic for Neurodegenerative Diseases and Gerontopsychiatry1

Prof. Dr. med. Annkristin Heine
Deputy Director Medical Clinic and Polyclinic III for Haematology, Oncology, Immuno-oncology, Stem Cell Transplantation and Rheumatology2

Dr. Dorothea Schmitt
Coordination Office for Internal Funding

Die Sprecherinnen Prof. Schneider und Prof. Heine
© Johann F. Saba / UKB
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