Application & Selection
Eligible to apply are physicians with:
- just completed specialist medical training (not more than 5 years ago)
- an established and outstanding research profile
- scientific publications in the thematic focus of the call
- have already successfully acquired third-party funding
The Executive Board expressly motivates female physicians to apply. The aim is to achieve a funding quota of at least 50% from among the female applicants.
Physicians working externally are explicitly encouraged to apply.
Next call probably 2025.
Application Process
Applications must be submitted electronically via the Bonfor eApplication system (see below). The application must be formulated in English. The following documents must be enclosed with the application:
- Cover letter (1 page)
- Research concept and short career development plan (max. 3 pages)
- Summary of scientific and clinical achievements (1 page)
- 2 letters of recommendation
- Curriculum vitae
- List of publications with a short summary of the 5 most important publications (the share contributed must be indicated)
- Overview of third-party funds
- Overview of teaching activities
- Confirmation of employment from the hospital management and declaration of commitment to 50% release for the research project
- State examination certificate, dissertation certificate, licence to practise medicine, specialist certificate; in the case of international applications, appropriate certificates of comparability must be submitted.

Please use the templates for creating the letter of acceptance as well as the forms for providing information about yourself and your teaching, third-party funding and publication achievements.
Access to the eApplication system
Applications can only be submitted via the Bonfor eApplication system. To access this system, please contact the Coordination Office for Internal Funding ( Please include your full name, the name of the clinic where you will be working during the funding period and a current email address. An account will then be set up for you and an application procedure for the ACCENT- programme will be created. As soon as your account has been activated, you will receive an email notification.

Selection Process
The selection takes place in two steps. First, the Executive Board pre-selects the most promising candidates. They are then invited to present themselves and their research concept to a selection committee at a symposium.
In a second step, the candidates selected after the symposium are divided into thematic groups and forwarded to national and international reviewers. The selection committee makes the final decision based on the reviews.
PD Dr. Ildiko Racz
Science Management - Coordination Internal Funding
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn
Dr. Dorothea Schmitt
Science Management - Coordination Internal Funding
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn