Dr. med. Judith Sirokay
From July 2024: ACS representative on the ACCENT Executive Board
As a clinician in the field of dermato-oncology with a strong scientific background in experimental melanoma models my research focus lies on melanoma cell plasticity as a resistance mechanism modulated by the tumor microenvironment. The recapitulation of developmental pathways in terms of acquisition of a neural crest signature by melanoma cells has fascinated me throughout my research and I engage in deciphering the impact of neurotrophic signalling in melanoma cells.
Recent seminal publications that underline the reciprocal interactions between peripheral nerves and tumors and the shaping of the central nervous system by solid tumors in peripheral tissues (e.g. skin-brain-axis) inspired me for my research proposal that is funded by the ACCENT programme.
I am a dermatologist with a specialisation in dermato-oncology. At the Centre for Skin Diseases I am coodinator of the Skin Cancer Centre and responsible senior physician for patients with oncologic and infectious diseases.
Dr. med. Judith Sirokay
Centre for Skin Disease
Coodinator of the Skin Cancer Centre
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn
- https://www.ukbonn.de/dermatologie/
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/de/forschung/forschungsfoerderung/accent/medien-accent/sirokay_bonn-steckbrief.pdf