

Advanced Clinician Scientist Program Bonn

The Medical Faculty of the University of Bonn and the University Hospital Bonn are receiving funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to establish an "Advanced Clinician Scientist" (ACS) programme.

Thematically, the programme will be located between the two profile areas "Immunopathogenesis and Organ Dysfunction" and "Brain and Neurodegeneration". Thus, it is aimed in particular at scientifically active physicians with a focus on immunology, neurosciences, genetics and epidemiology as well as cardiovascular diseases and oncology.

The funding is intended to provide the physicians with a protected release of 50% of their working time for research activities over a period of six years. In addition to their clinical work, they will be closely linked to research networks already established in Bonn, such as Collaborative Research Centres and the Cluster of Excellence ImmunoSensation², through co-affiliations with research institutes. This is to ensure a close link between clinical and basic research in the sense of scientific translation. During the funding period, they receive basic material resources. Furthermore, they are offered an extensive accompanying programme with mentoring and coaching options.

© Rainer Bauszat / UKB


ACCENT Fellows

News and dates

© Christoph Kottmann / MFB

Application & Selection

Below you will find information on the funding criteria, the required application documents and the selection process.

© Christoph Kottmann / MFB

Special Features

In addition to the substantial funding amount, the ACCENT programme offers numerous other benefits and support mechanisms.

© Christoph Kottmann / MFB

Organisation & Governance

The core of the organisation is the Executive Board. Several other committees ensure the ongoing quality of the programme.

Other ACS sites funded by the BMBF

The ACCENT program is one of 8 programs nationwide with different orientations within the framework of the "Promotion of Researching Specialists in University Medicine"7 of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Place Programm News
Dresden CAMINO  Career Advancement in MultIdimeNsional tumOr targeting8

Frankfurt INITIALISE – Innovations in Infection Medicine9
Freiburg IMMediate – Immune-Mediated Diseases10 Current deadline: 15.11.2024
Erlangen iIMMUNE_ACS - Interfaces in Immunomedicin11 External applications are possible at any time ("fast-track procedure").
Essen UMEA2 - Promoting Excellence in Translational Medicine12
Hamburg iSTAR – integrative Advanced Clinician Scientists Targeting Inflammatory and Infectious Disease13

Würzburg  INTERACT – Interfaces in Translational Research14  



If you have any general questions about the programme, you are welcome to contact our International Funding Coordination Office. If desired, the office can also put you in touch with members of the Executive Board and other researchers at the Medical Faculty of Bonn.

Avatar Racz

PD Dr. Ildiko Racz

Science Management - Coordination Internal Funding

Venusberg-Campus 1

53127 Bonn

Avatar Schmitt

Dr. Dorothea Schmitt

Science Management - Coordination Internal Funding

Venusberg-Campus 1

53127 Bonn

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