Research Focus
- Application of innovative neuroscience technologies to achieve a deep understanding of higher cognitive functions in animals and humans at the level of single neural cell function and their organization into networks.
- Neural mechanisms of cognition and behavior
- Transfer these strategies to neuropsychiatric disorders in animal models and patients to achieve an understanding of these common diseases and their symptoms at the elementary level, and to generate new strategies for diagnosis and therapy
- Use mathematical methods and modeling to describe complexity at the neural and behavioral levels, and provide theoretical support for relationships between these levels.
Prof. Dr. Heinz Beck
Institute for Epileptology and Cognitive Sciences

At a Glance
Welcome to the Bonn Center of Neuroscience (BCN), the central network for neuroscience at the University of Bonn. At the BCN, more than 300 scientists are passionate about understanding the brain, the most complex and fascinating organ of mammals. The brain enables the organism to perceive and remember its environment, make decisions based on these perceptions, and translate them into complex behaviors. BCN scientists are pursuing intellectually ambitious approaches to elucidate the underlying mechanisms at the level of single cells to networks that underlie complex behavior.
Furthermore, we are convinced that the study of the brain is not only a fascinating challenge for modern neuroscience, but also of fundamental importance for the understanding and treatment of psychiatric and neurological diseases. Such diseases account for a large part of the personal, social and economic burden of disease in Europe.
The BCN unites neuroscience research in Bonn in an inter-institutional network. It pools resources and expertise to coordinate, support and promote neuroscience research and teaching at the University of Bonn and its affiliated institutes and organizational units. With foci in clinical neuroscience, electrophysiology, imaging and genetics, our work encompasses highly relevant research areas and cutting-edge technologies, embedded in an excellent scientific environment.

Current Events
Seminars, events and news can be found on the pages of the Bonn Center of Neuroscience.
Collaborative Research Centres/Transregios (applicant/co-applicant)
- SFB 10892 "Synaptic Micronetworks in Health and Disease"
Speaker: Prof. Heinz Beck
Collaborative Research Centres/Transregios (participating)
- SFB 13663 "Vaskuläre Kontrolle der Organfunktion"
Speaker: Prof. Hellmut G. Augustin (Heidelberg); Teilprojekt: Prof. Carmen Ruiz de Almodovar
BMBF Collaborative Projects with Speaker Function
- SynGluCross4 "Quantitative and biophysical analysis of crosstalk at glutamatergic synapses"
Speaker: Prof. Christian Henneberger - TackleCSVD5 "The role of autophagy networks and the lysosome in cerebral microangiopathy"
Speaker: Prof. Carmen Ruiz de Almodovar - ValSRIm6 "Spectral detection and analysis of retinal deposits: Validation of an in vivo measurement device for the early detection of age-related macular degeneration"
Speaker: Prof. Thomas Ach - WesternND7 "Combating neurodegeneration caused by western nutrition"
Speaker: Prof. Eicke Latz
BMBF Collaborative Projects with Participation
- ADPriOMICs8 "Prioritizing the biological processes that link aging and Alzheimer's disease to cognitive decline and dementia"
Sub-project: Prof. Michael Wagner - AUTONOMIC9 "Developmental effects of epilepsy on autonomic functions in Dravet syndrome"
Sub-project: Prof. Rainer Surges - HBCI10 "Brain clearance imaging in MRI after intravenous application of contrast agent to investigate the clearing mechanisms of the central nervous system and the influence of neurodegenerative diseases and sleep quality"
Sub-project: Prof. Alexander Radbruch, Dr. Katerina Deike-Hofmann - InflASD11 "Physiological and molecular consequences of an inflammatory episode on the severity of Shank3-based ASD phenotypes in mouse and hPSC models"
Sub-project: Prof. Oliver Brüstle - Treat-ION12 "New therapies for neurological ion channel and transporter disorders - New therapies for KCNT1 ion channel disorders"
Sub-project: Prof. Heinz Beck - UPS-NDDiag13 "Development of diagnostic tools for neurological diseases caused by dysfunctions of the ubiquitin-proteasome system"
Sub-project: Prof. Peter Krawitz
DFG-funded Research Units
- FOR 270514 "Dissection of a Brain Circuit: Structure, Plasticity and Behavioral Function of the Drosophila Mushroom Body"
TP315 "Infection and behavior: The role of the mushroom body, AMPs and octopamine in brain-body communication", Prof. Ilona Grunwald Kadow
FOR 271516 „Epileptogenesis of genetic epilepsies“ Tübingen-Bonn
TP17 "Hippocampal integration during epileptogenesis of genetic epilepsies: Developmental intervention", Prof. Heinz Beck, Dr. Tony Kelly
TP18 "Molecular and network mechanisms-derived targeted interventions in neonatal genetic epilepsies", Prof. Albert Becker - FOR 279519 "Synapses under stress: Early events induced by metabolic failure at glutamatergic synapses"
TP20 "FFunctional, structural and metabolic consequences of ionic dysbalance in stroke", Prof. Gabor Petzold
TP21 "Causes and consequences of dysregulated extracellular glutamate signalling after metabolic stress", Prof. Christian Henneberger - FOR 295322 "Sialic Acid as Regulator in Development and Immunity"
TP23 "Schutz von sensorischen Hörneuronen durch Sialinsäuren", Prof. Harald Neumann
FOR 542424 "Modulation of olfaction: how recurrent circuits govern state-dependent behaviour"
TP25 "Recurrent connections between higher olfactory brain areas and their role in mating state-dependent behaviour in Drosophila", Prof. Ilona Grunwald Kadow
TP26 "Molecular and cellular mechanisms of oestrus state-dependent odour valence modulation", Dr. Annika Cichy
EU Research Projects with Participation
Speaker Bonn: Prof. Lukas Radbruch - EuroGCT28 "European consortium for communicating gene- and cell-based therapy information"
Speaker Bonn: Prof. Oliver Brüstle - NeurotechRI29 "European University of Brain and Technology - Research and Innovation", Speaker Bonn: Prof. Christian Henneberger
NRW-Research Projects with Speaker Function
- iBehave30 "Algorithms of Adaptive Behavior and their Neuronal Implementation in Health and Disease"
Speaker: Prof. Ilona Grunwald-Kadow
NRW-Research Projects with Participation
- ABCD-J31 "Accessing Behavior for Clinical Data and Joint usage"
Sub-project management: Prof. Alexandra Philipsen - InVirtuo 4.032 "Cognitive neuroscience and clinical psychology as the nucleus of in-virtuo research"
Sub-project management Bonn: Prof. Alexandra Philipsen, Dr. Niclas Braun, Prof. Dominik Bach, Prof. Björn Krüger
Research Projects with Speaker Function
- IMPRS33 "IMPRS ‘Brain and Behavior’" (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft)
Speaker Bonn: Prof. Heinz Beck - "A hyperspectral approach to RPE fluorophores in AMD34"
Speaker Bonn: Prof. Thomas Ach - "A Translational Approach Towards Understanding Brain Waste Clearance in Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy35" (Leducq Foundation)
Speaker Bonn: Prof. Gabor Petzold - "Hertie Network of Excellence in Clinical Neuroscience36" (Gemeinnützige Hertie Stiftung)
Speaker Bonn: Prof. Anja Schneider, Prof. Heinz Beck
Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior
The Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior – caesar (MPINB) is mainly focused on neuroscience research. The MPINB is closely linked to the Neuroscientific focus through close cooperation in collaborative projects (SFB 1089, iBehave) and joint graduate schools (BIGS Neuroscience, IMPRS „Brain and Behavior“).
German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)
The foundation of the DZNE in 2009 decisively strengthened translational research in Bonn. The close collaboration between working groups of the Neurosciences Research Center and the DZNE was further intensified by the occupation of the state-of-the-art DZNE building in 2016 in close proximity to the Neurocenter. The collaboration in clinical research is particularly close.
Several clinicians of the Neurocenter have an affiliation in the DZNE at the same time. Since the foundation of the DZNE, several neuroscience professorships based on the Jülich model have been established together with the DZNE. The DZNE operates several technological platforms to which researchers of the Medical Faculty Bonn have access.
For a listing of all research groups involved in the Neurosciences research focus, please see here.37
- Heisenberg funding:
Prof. Heinz Beck (2001)
Prof. Bernd Weber (2010)
Prof. Anja Schneider (2012)
Prof. Sandra Blaess (2015) - Volkswagenstiftung-Lichtenberg Professorhsip:
Prof. Florian Mormann (2013) "Single-cell electrophysiology in humans: Perception, memory, and mechanisms of seizure generation " - ERC Starting Grants:
Prof. Volker Busskamp (2016) "Transcription Factor-mediated Neuronal Cell Fate Programming in Human Stem Cells"
Prof. Tatjana Tchumatchenko (2021) "How dendritic mRNA and protein distributions shape synaptic plasticity"
Prof. Michael Wenzel (2022) "Targeting epilepsy with phototherapeutics"
Prof. Tobias Ackels (2023) "Temporally complex odour information encoding" - ERC Consolidator Grants:
Prof. Dominik Back (2019) "Action selection under threat: the complex control of human defense"
Prof. Carmen Ruiz de Almodóvar (2020) "The Oligo-Vascular interface: understanding its properties and functions"ERC Proof of Concept:
Prof. Volker Busskamp (2021) "Inducible Human Photoreceptors for Research, Development and Therapy to Prevent Blindness" - Emmy Noether Programme (DFG):
Dr. Wolf Harmening ( 2013) "Advanced adaptive optics instrumentation for ophthalmic imaging and function testing: the single cell approach to visual function and dysfunction" - RiseUp! (Boehringer Ingelheim Stiftung)
Prof. Eva-Christina Schulte (2025)
Prof. Özgün Gökce (2025) - Clinician Scientist Professorship (EKFS)
Philipp Vollmuth (2022) - NRW returnees:
Prof. Sandra Blaess (2008)
Prof. Lukas Kunz (2023) - Paul-Ehrlich- und Ludwig-Darmstaedter-Early Career Award
Prof. Volker Busskamp (2017)
Prof. Tobias Ackels (2025) - Leopoldina members:
Prof. Oliver Brüstle
Prof. Frank Holz
Prof. Pierluigi Nicotera
Organization & Promotion of Young Talent
Organizational Structure
Bonn Center of Neuroscience (BCN) 3823
The Bonn Center of Neuroscience (BCN) links all university research groups in Bonn with neuroscientific relevance in an interdisciplinary and inter-institutional network. The BCN supports interdisciplinary research, the establishment and further development of new technologies, the coordination and acquisition of third-party funding, and training programs at all career levels. The exchange with international scientists and research institutions is actively promoted.
Center for Economics and Neuroscience (CENs)3924
The Center for Economics and Neuroscience (CEN), founded jointly with the Faculty of Law and Political Science and the Faculty of Philosophy, combines the neurosciences and behavioral sciences with the goal of understanding human behavior in an economically relevant context.
Education Structure
Master of Neurosciences412626
Speaker: Prof. Christian Steinhäuser
Bonn International Graduate School (BIGS) Neuroscience422727
Speaker: Prof. Sandra Blaess
International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) Brain and Behavior432828
The first transatlantic graduate school between the Max Planck Society and two universities (Florida Atlantic University and the University of Bonn, incl. Medical Faculty)
Speaker: Prof. Kevin Briggman
- https://bonn-neuroscience.de/seminars/
- https://sfb1089.de/
- https://www.sfb1366.de/
- https://www.gesundheitsforschung-bmbf.de/de/teilprojekt-bonn-16609.php
- https://www.gesundheitsforschung-bmbf.de/de/tacklecsvd-die-rolle-von-autophagienetzwerken-und-des-lysosoms-in-der-zerebralen-16779.php
- https://www.validierungsfoerderung.de/validierungsprojekte/valsrim
- https://foerderportal.bund.de/foekat/jsp/SucheAction.do?actionMode=view&fkz=01ED2409A
- https://foerderportal.bund.de/foekat/jsp/SucheAction.do?actionMode=view&fkz=01ED2404B
- https://www.gesundheitsforschung-bmbf.de/de/autonomic-entwicklungsbedingte-auswirkungen-von-epilepsie-auf-die-autonomen-funktionen-15414.php
- https://www.gesundheitsforschung-bmbf.de/de/hbci-hirn-clearance-bildgebung-im-mrt-nach-intravenoser-applikation-von-kontrastmittel-zur-15221.php
- https://www.gesundheitsforschung-bmbf.de/de/inflasd-physiologische-und-molekulare-folgen-einer-entzundungsepisode-auf-den-schweregrad-15156.php
- https://foerderportal.bund.de/foekat/jsp/SucheAction.do?actionMode=view&fkz=01GM2210E
- https://foerderportal.bund.de/foekat/jsp/SucheAction.do?actionMode=view&fkz=01GM2305
- https://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/601524.html
- https://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/662214.html
- https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/377782854?language=en
- https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/394774965?context=projekt&task=showDetail&id=394774965&
- https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/394774896
- https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/394431587
- https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/411456372
- https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/411497195
- https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/409784463?language=en
- https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/432251600
- https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/466488864?language=en
- https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/506209231
- https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/506209277
- https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101136769
- https://www.eurogct.org/
- https://theneurotech.eu/
- https://ibehave.nrw/
- https://www.abcd-j.de/
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/neues/204-2023
- https://imprs-brain-behavior.mpg.de/
- https://reporter.nih.gov/search/9JZJtNz1s0qt-eO3JJD2zw/project-details/10365650
- https://www.fondationleducq.org/network/a-translational-approach-towards-understanding-brain-waste-clearance-in-cerebral-amyloid-angiopathy/
- https://www.ghst.de/en/studying-the-brain/creating-structures/hertie-network-of-excellence-in-clinical-neuroscience
- https://bonn-neuroscience.de/bcn-groups
- http://bonn-neuroscience.de/
- https://www.cens.uni-bonn.de/
- https://bonn-neuroscience.de/institutions
- http://www.neurosciences.uni-bonn.de/
- http://bigs-neuroscience.de/
- http://www.imprs-brain-behavior.org/
- https://bonn-neuroscience.de/education