Vice Dean's Office for Sustainability of the Faculty of Medicine
At the Faculty of Medicine, one of seven faculties at the University of Bonn, sustainability plays an important role in all areas - research, teaching, patient care and administration. In the Medical Dean's Office, the Vice Dean's Office for Sustainability acts as an interface between the university and the UKB and is the central steering and management unit for sustainability at the Faculty of Medicine.
In addition to many interdisciplinary sustainability projects and the transformation to a more sustainable working day in the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Medicine, a steady expansion of the network contributes to the holistic commitment in this area. This includes the establishment of various committees that focus on sustainability issues.
Stay informed!
Would you like to stay up to date on sustainability at university level? Subscribe here to the monthly sustainability newsletter from Team N at the University of Bonn here!
The Vice Dean's Office - interface between the University of Bonn and the UKB
Find out more about sustainability at the University of Bonn and the UKB:
Committees for sustainability
In its internal meetings, which take place twice a year, the Sustainability Commission decides on funding applications submitted, which are financed from the Faculty of Medicine's sustainability funding pot. Funding applications can be submitted by any member of the Faculty of Medicine and the UKB from the areas of research, teaching, patient care and administration.
The Sustainability Assembly is a public event that serves in particular as a general exchange on sustainable development at the UKB and the University of Bonn.
Sustainable ideas wanted!
Would you like to receive up to 25,000 euros in funding for your sustainability project and are a member of the Faculty of Medicine and/or the UKB? What are you waiting for?
All further information on how to apply can be found here.
You can also find further information and the projects already funded by the Sustainability Commission on our "Sustainable ideas" page.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.
SDG join-in campaign: Put it in your signature!
With the networking project "Put it in your signature", the staff of the Medical Dean's Office would like to encourage all members of the Faculty of Medicine and the UKB to express and share their sustainable commitment in the form of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in their email signature.
The aim is to network with each other, use synergies and become even more active in terms of sustainability. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals - known as the SDGs - provide inspiration for this.
You can find more detailed information on the sustainability goals and instructions on how to get involved below.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time - we will be happy to support you and create your individual email signature!
Vice Dean's Office for Sustainability in Germany at the Faculty of Medicine in Bonn so far
of the University of Bonn's electricity consumption is green electricity
is the amount of funding the Faculty of Medicine has received so far for sustainable project ideas
canteens and cafés which run by the Studierendenwerk Bonn also offer vegan and vegetarian dishes
We are part of BOOST
In line with the University of Bonn's mission statement "Working Together for Sustainability", we are also part of the Bonn Program for Sustainable Transformation (BOOST).
Together with other university status groups, the Faculty of Medicine is actively committed to the sustainable development of the university as part of the BOOST working group.
Your Sustainability Team in the Medical Dean's Office
The Faculty of Medicine is actively committed to holistically integrating and advancing the issue of sustainability, taking into account the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The team at the Vice Dean's Office for Sustainability - alongside many other committed groups at the university and the UKB - is doing its best to firmly establish the central importance of this topic and to further promote its implementation.
If you have any questions, suggestions or simply want to be put in touch with the right contact person at the UKB or the University of Bonn, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail or telephone.
We look forward hearing from you!
Guidelines and handouts
The Department of International Affairs and the Institute of Geography at Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität have provided us with their guidelines on international cooperation and reducing the digital carbon footprint to help us organize our everyday lives in a sustainable way. These are not only a great help for members of the University of Bonn to act more sustainably, but can also support each and every one of us in acting in a more environmentally friendly way so that " non-sustainable action" becomes the exception.
In order to further promote the environmentally friendly transformation at the Faculty of Medicine and the UKB, you can also download a handout for a more sustainable organization of everyday working life in the office and in event management.
Sustainability to Download
Lots: "Do it without any rivets!"
In line with the United Nations' "Do it for yourself and the world", we would like to present our "Do it without rivets". The lottery tickets with sustainable prizes, for example as a campaign for your event or team event, can be downloaded here. You will also find the instructions attached.
Have fun picking lots - without rivets - and realizing the prizes!
Game: "City - Country - Green"
Sustainability is fun! Spend your break interactively and play "Stadt, Land, Grün" with your colleagues and fellow students! Get into conversation and exchange ideas about climate protection organizations in your area, brainstorm about regional food or discuss solutions for behaviors that are perhaps not quite so environmentally friendly. Good luck!
Lock screen: "Digital sustainability in the office"
In order to visualize sustainability for our dean's office team in the campus office as well as in the home office, we have designed the standard lock screen "Digital Sustainability in the Office" based on the guidelines of the Institute of Geography. We are happy to provide you with the document for your team to download!
Beverage lid: "17 goals for sustainable development"
Sustainability is colorful! Download your SDG-beverage lids here. They can be printed and used directly on recycled cardboard in a customized format. Use the colorful SDG-icons to remind your team and your guests of your responsibility in relation to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and motivate them to take part in our "Put it in your signature" campaign!
Disinfectants: sustainable & germ-free through everyday life
Whether during an operation in hospital, after treatment at the doctor's surgery or simply for using the toilet in the office, in the library or after a bus journey - disinfectants help us get through the day as germ-free as possible. However, the fact that conventional disinfectants are often not environmentally friendly prompted us to look for a more sustainable solution. As part of a campaign on Sustainability Day at the University of Bonn, students were able to easily make their own more sustainable disinfectant.
You can download the recipe, instructions and information on the more sustainable disinfectant here. Have fun making your own!
Prof. Dr. Dagmar Wachten
Prodekanin für Nachhaltigkeit & Wissenschaftliche Infrastruktur; Institut für Angeborene Immunität
Prof. Dr. Heinz Beck
Prodekan für Nachhaltigkeit & Wissenschaftliche Infrastruktur; Institut für Epileptologie und Kognitionswissenschaften
Christina Böhm
Vice Dean's Office for Sustainability / Project and Committee Management Sustainability / Currently not on duty
Dr. Julia Meis-Harris
Vice Dean's Office for Sustainability / Project and Committee Management Sustainability
Elena Hachem
Vice Dean's Office for Sustainability / Project and Committee Management Sustainability (WHF)
Louise Bonhöfer
Vice Dean's Office for Sustainability / Project and Committee Management Sustainability (SHK)
Current Note
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