FAQs Digital Start
Information about the use and installation of software and other IT services.
Setting up the Uni Bonn Mail Account
Each Uni-ID has an e-mail address in the form Uni-ID@uni-bonn.de, which is active after the Uni-ID has been activated. Access is via a browser-based webmail access and can be reached from any computer with an internet connection without the need for a local programme. Since important information and deadlines are sent by e-mail, students should familiarise themselves with the access as early as possible.
Access to Basis and Guidance on how to book Events
BASIS is the electronic course catalogue and the central campus management system of the University of Bonn. Numerous processes such as course registrations and examinations are carried out via BASIS.
Access to Eduroam Wifi
Students and staff can use the University of Bonn's Wifi free of charge via Eduroam. Once set up, Eduroam also allows you to connect to the local Wifi at numerous European universities and scientific institutions.
Access to VPN
Some services can only be accessed via the network area of the University of Bonn. VPN helps to establish a secure connection to this, so that you can also use the University of Bonn's WLAN from home and access literature databases.
Access and Use of eCampus
eCampus is the learning platform of the University of Bonn. Teachers provide materials and e-learning offers for students here. You can log in using your University ID and the corresponding password.
Access to Amboss and Digital Textbooks of the ULB
All students of human medicine at the University of Bonn receive access to the AMBOSS learning programme. This is specially designed for the clinical phase of medical studies. The basic campus licence of AMBOSS is available to medical students free of charge and registration takes place via a MIAMED account.
Registration with Zoom (Campus Licence)
For the successful implementation of the digital winter semester 2020/2021, the University of Bonn is now providing all students with the video conferencing solution ZOOM, another suitable tool for digital teaching. ZOOM enables lectures, seminars and video and telephone conferences to be held in high quality.
You did not find what you were looking for?
If you do not find the right link or if you have questions about an IT system that is not listed here, you can also contact the IT centre (HRZ) of the University of Bonn directly.
- http://www.hrz.uni-bonn.de/de/services/e-mail/einrichten-verwenden
- http://www.hrz.uni-bonn.de/de/services/lehr-lernplattformen/basis
- http://www.hrz.uni-bonn.de/de/services/internet-und-netzzugang/wlan/beschreibung-eduroam
- http://www.hrz.uni-bonn.de/de/services/internet-und-netzzugang/vpn
- https://ecampus.uni-bonn.de/ilias.php?baseClass=ilrepositorygui&reloadpublic=1&cmd=frameset&ref_id=1
- https://www.amboss.com/de/campuslizenz/bonn
- https://www.ecampus-services.uni-bonn.de/de/nachrichten/zoom
- https://www.hrz.uni-bonn.de/de/Support/it-helpdesk