Universität Bonn

Medical Faculty

23. March 2023

QS Rankings by Subject: Another Strong Performance by the University of Bonn QS Rankings by Subject: Another Strong Performance by the University of Bonn

The University of Bonn is among the top 100 in the world in over a quarter of the subjects for which it was ranked.

Once again, the University of Bonn has improved its performance significantly in the QS Rankings by Subject this year, moving further up the leaderboard for Germany in around half of the subjects for which it received a ranking. Leading the field among these subjects is Mathematics, which has come top in Germany and 39th worldwide.

QS Rankings by Subject: Another Strong Performance by the University of Bonn - The University of Bonn is among the top 100 in the world in over a quarter of the subjects for which it was ranked.
QS Rankings by Subject: Another Strong Performance by the University of Bonn - The University of Bonn is among the top 100 in the world in over a quarter of the subjects for which it was ranked. - QS Rankings by Subject: Another Strong Performance by the University of Bonn - The University of Bonn is among the top 100 in the world in over a quarter of the subjects for which it was ranked. © University of Bonn/ Gregor Hübl
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Also in first place nationwide is Dentistry, which has moved up two spots. As a member of the group ranked 51st–80th, it also enjoys a very good position internationally. The best-performing subjects include Economics and Econometrics (50th worldwide and 3rd in Germany), Agriculture and Forestry (66th worldwide and 4th in Germany), Philosophy (51st–100th worldwide and 5th in Germany) and Archaeology (51st–100th worldwide and 6th in Germany). Over half of the University’s 23 subjects for which it was given a ranking are in the world’s top 150.

“I’m delighted because, not only have we been able to hold on to many of our positions, we’ve even improved them further in many subjects,” says University Rector Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Hoch. “Thus a set of international rankings has shown once again that, besides being strong performers within Germany, the disciplines taught at the University of Bonn—a University of Excellence—also compare extremely well with the global competition.”

This year’s QS Rankings assessed a total of 54 subjects, including 23 at the University of Bonn. Depending on the subject, the rankings comprise four or five indicators including academic reputation, employer reputation, citations, and international research and publication network. A total of 1,594 universities around the world were ranked.

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