24. April 2023

Chatting with Researchers on the International Day of Immunology Chatting with Researchers on the International Day of Immunology

University of Bonn’s ImmunoSensation2 Cluster of Excellence invites you to join it in the city center on April 29

What possibilities does mRNA technology offer? How can we use computers to answer biomedical questions? And how does what I eat affect my immune system? The ImmunoSensation2 Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bonn will be celebrating the International Day of Immunology in Bonn’s city center on April 29. On Marktplatz, researchers will be providing a personal insight into their work and will be on hand from 10 am to 6 pm to chat with locals and answer their questions. At Bonn City Library, meanwhile, selected topics from the field of biomedicine will be showcased in more detail between 11 am and 2 pm. Admission is free at both venues.

To mark the International Day of Immunology, researchers from the ImmunoSensation2 Cluster of Excellence will be sharing information in Bonn city center.
To mark the International Day of Immunology, researchers from the ImmunoSensation2 Cluster of Excellence will be sharing information in Bonn city center. © Simon Görgen / UKB
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Experience science live and up close on Bonn’s Marktplatz

What’s day-to-day life like for a researcher? What research is currently being done in Bonn? And why is basic research so vital for our society? From 10 am to 6 pm, the Science Tent of the ImmunoSensation2 Cluster of Excellence will be open to anyone who is curious about or interested in its work. Researchers will be presenting their latest projects and answering questions about science and research. This year’s topics are: using mRNA technology in vaccines and other drugs; treating cancer with checkpoint inhibitor therapy; our diet and how it influences our immune system; protecting our brain from harmful substances and pathogens; and computer-aided methods in biomedical research.

Anyone who has always wanted to know what a lung looks like from the inside can examine an oversized model to get an idea of its structure and how it works. Another oversized model—of the liver this time—will provide an insight into what this organ does and what diseases can affect it. And, if you are keen to do some experimenting yourself, you can help the researchers extract DNA from fruit.

See the latest findings in Bonn City Library

At Bonn City Library (Mülheimer Platz 1), visitors can get an even more in-depth insight into the research being done by the Cluster of Excellence. Between 11 am and 2 pm, researchers will be giving a series of brief talks explaining their research projects. There are only 30 spaces available at each. Admission is free.


11 am: Leuko-Motion - Weiße Blutzellen auf Wanderschaft  (Prof. Dr. Eva Kiermaier)

11:30 am: mRNA Therapeutika - Wie erforschen wir die Revolution der modernen Medizin? (Prof. Dr. Kathrin Leppek)

12 noon: Wieviel Virus braucht der Mensch (Prof. Dr. Rayk Behrendt)


1 pm: Antikörper - Helfer oder Stressmacher? (Prof. Dr. Dirk Baumjohann)

1:30 pm: Wenn zelluläre Antennen kein Signal mehr bekommen - Immunsystem und Adipositas (Prof. Dr. Dagmar Wachten)

ImmunoSensation2 is a Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bonn. The clusters of Excellence are part of the excellence strategy of the federal and state governments to strengthen cutting-edge research at universities. Members are from the University of Bonn Medical Faculty, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) of the Helmholtz-Society. ImmunoSensation2 is dedicated to investigating the innate immunity beyond the boundaries of classical immunology. The cluster started on November 1, 2012 and will run until the end of 2025, with the possibility of extension. ImmunoSensation2 is led by three spokespersons, Prof. Gunther Hartmann, Prof. Waldemar Kolanus and Prof. Eicke Latz. More information can be found on the official website: www.immunosensation.de

Dr. David Fußhöller
Science Communication and Public Relations
Cluster of Excellence ImmunoSensation2
Phone: +49 (0)228-287 51283
Email: david.fusshoeller@uni-bonn.de

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