Equality at the Medical Faculty
The gender equality office works towards the inclusion of aspects relevant to equal opportunity in the faculty development. It accompany the decision-making processes of relevant steering committees and participates in staffing procedures, especially in the context of appointment committees. The equality plans and reports required by law are coordinated by the department and made available on the homepage. In addition, the gender equality office supports the conception of measures to optimize equal opportunities and advises academic staff on equal opportunity and career issues. Individual consulting appointments can be arranged.
"Men and women shall have equal rights. The state shall promote the actual implementation of equal rights for women and men and shall work towards the elimination of existing disadvantages." (GG Art. 3, para. 2). Further legal foundations for the equal opportunity mandate result in particular from the NRW State Gender Equality Actand the Higher Education Act of North Rhine-Westphalia. The gender equality office of the university provides a synopsis of the most important passages of the Higher Education Act relevant to equal opportunity as well as a copy of the NRW State Gender Equality Act.
The university and faculty regulations also provide a framework for action and specify objectives.

of 184 Dr.med./Dr.med.dent. were attained from women
of the 33 PhDs were attained from women
adjunct female professors are members in the Faculty council
Equal Opportunities Office
Prof. Dr. Dagmar Dilloo
Equality representative of the faculty and Director of the Dept. of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn
Prof. Dr. Anna Maria Eis-Hübinger
Vice-Equality representative of the Medical Faculty, Academic Director at the Institute of Virology
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn
Adjunct-Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bierbaum
Vice-Equality representative of the Medical Faculty, Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn
Tanja Banavas
Assistant for Equal Opportunity and Vice Equal Opportunity Officer of the Faculty of Medicine with Focus on Mid-level Faculty
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn
Further contacts
The central equality office of the university12 has overall responsibility for all faculties and offers overarching measures for academic staff (including the interdisciplinary mentoring and training program MeTra).
The university family office23 makes a wide range of mediation and counseling services in family matters available to academic personnel.
The gender equality commissioner at the UKB3 is the responsible contact person for the non-scientific staff at the University Clinic.
- Basic regulations of the University of Bonn (2015)4555
- Appointment regulations of the University of Bonn (2017)5666
77 - Handbook for appointment procedures at the University of Bonn (2015)6777
88 - Framework plan for gender equality at the University of Bonn (2013)7888
9 - Guidelines for dealing with sexual harassment at the University of Bonn (2011)8999
- Structure and development plan of the Medical Faculty and the University Hospital Bonn 2018-202391010
- Faculty regulations of the Medical Faculty (2012)10111111
112 - Tenure-track regulations of the Medical Faculty (2018)111212
- Habilitation regulations of the Medical Faculty (2017)1213131314
- Doctoral regulations of the Medical Faculty (2017)13141413141414

Equality Measures FEMHABIL and FEMAPL
The Medical Faculty Bonn awards subsidies from faculty and state funds for the completion of habilitation and for the attainment of an adjunct professorship to highly qualified female employees.
The application procedures have been reopened.
Further information:
Equal Opportunity Plan
The equality plan is the result of the previous equality work as well as the basis for the future implementation of the legally prescribed equality mandate.
The starting point is the still unachieved equality of women and men in higher positions in science and clinical practice, as illustrated by this graph for the cross-section of scientific qualification progression (according to the most recent data available at the end of 2017).

The proportion of female professors has increased significantly in recent years and currently amounts to 25% of W1 professorships, 22% of W2 professorships, and 10% of W3 professorships (as of 2017).
Among physicians, female physicians are overrepresented in assistant and specialist positions, and they currently account for one-third of senior physician positions (April 2018).

Related Links
- Gender-Report 2016: Gender(in)equity at Universities in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Coordination Office of the Network Women's and Gender Studies NRW, Essen 2016.
Long version19
Short version2021 - Joint Science Conference-Report:2122 Review of the implementation of the recommendations from the 2004 BLK report "Women in Medicine - Training and Professional Situation of Women Physicians," Joint Science Conference (GWK), Bonn 2010.
- Federal-State Commission-Report:2223 Women in Medicine - Education and Professional Situation of Female Physicians ( Materials for Educational Planning and Research Promotion, issue 117), Federal-State Commission for Educational Planning and Research Promotion (BLK), Bonn 2004.
- Publications of the KarMed study23 - Career trajectories and career breaks among physicians during residency training.
- Publications from TransferGenderMed2425 - Transfer measures for the gender-equal career advancement of women in medicine
- "I am a female doctor" study25
2627 - Hartmannbund survey:2627 "Do women have fair opportunities in the medical profession?"
2728 - Barbara Cramer, Monika Hanika, Janine Diehl-Schmid: Kitchen, Children, Professorship? The Scientific Careers of Female Physicians in University Medicine, In: Contributions to University Research, 38th year, S. 190-219, 1-2/20162728
- Federal Conference of Women's and Gender Equality Representatives at Universities (BuKoF)2829293030
- State Conference of the Equal Opportunity Representatives of the Universities and University Clinics of North Rhine-Westphalia (LaKof NRW)2930303131
- Competence Center Women in Science and Research (CEWS)3031313232
- European Platform of Women Scientists (epws)3132323333
- Women's and Gender Studies Network NRW3233333434
- Forum Mentoring3334343535
- Network Equal Opportunity Controlling at Universities34353636
- Network Gender Consulting in Research Associations353636
- femconsult363738
- AcademiaNet3738
- https://www.gleichstellung.uni-bonn.de/
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/einrichtungen/universitaetsverwaltung/organisationsplan/dezernat-3/familienbuero
- https://www.ukbonn.de/ueber-uns/stabsstellen/gleichstellungsbeauftragte/
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/de/gleichstellung/aufgaben-und-rechtliche-grundlagen/uni-bonn-grundordnung-2015.pdf
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/de/gleichstellung/aufgaben-und-rechtliche-grundlagen/uni-bonn-berufungsordnung-2017.pdf
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/de/gleichstellung/aufgaben-und-rechtliche-grundlagen/uni-bonn-handbuch-berufungsverfahren-12.05.15.pdf
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/de/gleichstellung/aufgaben-und-rechtliche-grundlagen/uni-bonn-rahmenplan-zur-gleichstellung.pdf
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/de/gleichstellung/aufgaben-und-rechtliche-grundlagen/uni-bonn-richtlinien-belastigung.pdf
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/de/gleichstellung/aufgaben-und-rechtliche-grundlagen/struktur-und-entwicklungsplan-bonn.pdf
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/de/gleichstellung/aufgaben-und-rechtliche-grundlagen/med.-fak.-fakultatsordnung-2012.pdf
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/de/gleichstellung/aufgaben-und-rechtliche-grundlagen/med.-fak-tenure-track-ordnung-2018.pdf
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/de/gleichstellung/aufgaben-und-rechtliche-grundlagen/med.-fak.-habilitationsordnung-2017.pdf
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/de/gleichstellung/aufgaben-und-rechtliche-grundlagen/med.-fak.-promotionsordnung-2017.pdf
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/de/gleichstellung/daten-und-berichte/zwischenbericht-zum-gleichstellungsplan-2014.pdf
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/de/gleichstellung/daten-und-berichte/gleichstellungsplan-der-medizinischen-fakultat-bonn-2013-2016.pdf
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/de/gleichstellung/daten-und-berichte/anhang-zum-gleichstellungsplan-der-medizinischen-fakultat-bonn-2013-2016.pdf
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/en/research/research-funding/femhabil
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/en/research/research-funding/femapl
- https://bukof.de/wp-content/uploads/2016_netzwerk-fgf_genderreport.pdf
- https://bukof.de/wp-content/uploads/2016_netzwerk-fgf_genderreport_kurzfassung.pdf
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/de/gleichstellung/weiterfuehrende-infos/gwk-frauen-in-der-medizin.pdf
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/de/gleichstellung/weiterfuehrende-infos/blk-frauen-in-der-medizin.pdf
- http://spowi.uni-leipzig.de/~Karmed/html/publikationen.html
- http://transfergendermed.de/publikationenlinks/publikationen/
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/de/gleichstellung/weiterfuehrende-infos/studie-ich-bin-arztin-bericht.pdf
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/de/gleichstellung/weiterfuehrende-infos/hartmannbund-umfrage.pdf
- https://www.medfak.uni-bonn.de/de/gleichstellung/weiterfuehrende-infos/cramer-hanika-diehl-schmid-kuche-kinder-professur.pdf
- http://www.bukof.de/
- http://www.lakofnrw.de/
- https://www.gesis.org/cews/cews-home/
- http://epws.org/
- http://www.netzwerk-fgf.nrw.de/start-netzwerk/
- http://www.forum-mentoring.de/
- http://www.gleichstellungscontrolling-unis.de/
- https://www.netzwerk-gender-consulting.de/
- http://www.gesis.org/cews/femconsult/
- http://www.academia-net.de/