The Dean's Council of the Medical Faculty

The Dean's council is formed by the Dean, the Vice-Deans, the Managing Director as well as the Medical and Business Director of the University Clinic Bonn. Meetings of the Dean's council take place every third week and deal with all personnel and structural changes at the Faculty.

Prof. Dr. med. Bernd Weber
© Christoph Kottmann

Prof. Dr. med. Bernd Weber

Dean of the Medical Faculty

Tel: 0228/287-19298/19299

Prof. Dr. med. Gunther Hartmann
© Christoph Kottmann

Prof. Dr. med. Gunther Hartmann

Vice Dean of Research

Tel: 0228/287-16080

Prof. Dr. med. Bernd Pötzsch
© Christoph Kottmann

Prof. Dr. med. Bernd Pötzsch

Vice Dean of Studies

Tel: 0228/287-16745

Prof. Dr. med. (l) Bernd Fleischmann
© Johann F. Saba

Prof. Dr. med. (I) Bernd Fleischmann

Vice Dean of Finances

Tel: 0228/73-60202

Marc Pabélick
© Christoph Kottmann

Marc Pabélick

Managing Director of the Faculty of Medicine

Tel: 0228/287-19202

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Holzgreve, MBA
© Christoph Kottmann

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Holzgreve, MBA

Chief Executive Officer and Medical Director of the UKB

Tel: 0228/287-10900

Clemens Platzköster
© Christoph Kottmann

Clemens Platzköster

Business Director of the UKB

Tel: 0228/287-14041

Prof. Dr. med. Dagmar Dillo
© Christoph Kottmann

Prof. Dr. med. Dagmar Dillo

Equality representative of the faculty and constant guest of the dean's council

Tel: 0228/287-33215


on June 28, Friedrich Wilhelm III gave it its present name "Rhenish Frederick Wilhelm University (194 years ago)


in February, the building of a new campus in the district of Poppelsdorf was started


the University of Bonn celebrated its 200th anniversary

Meeting Dates Dean's Council
Dekanatssitzung 05.08.2024
03:00 PM
Wenn Sie eine Thematik in das Dekanat einbringen wollen, so wenden Sie sich bitte an die Geschäftsstelle des Dekans.
Dekanatssitzung 03.09.2024
03:00 PM
Wenn Sie eine Thematik in das Dekanat einbringen wollen, so wenden Sie sich bitte an die Geschäftsstelle des Dekans.


Avatar Böhm

Christina Böhm

Committee Management & Sustainability

Venusberg-Campus 1

53127 Bonn

Avatar Hammoud

Sarah Hammoud

Committee Management & Internationalization

Venusberg-Campus 1

53127 Bonn

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Saoussen Louati

Committee Management

Venusberg-Campus 1

53127 Bonn

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