
Graduate Schools & Doctorate Programs

In graduate schools, doctoral students go through a multi-year curriculum that teaches subject-specific methodological competencies, basic scientific work, and soft skills.

The Faculty of Medicine participates in the Bonn International Graduate Schools (BIGS) with several structured graduate schools. Third-party funded graduate schools include the DFG-funded international graduate school 2168 "Bonn & Melbourne Research and Graduate School" and the graduate school GRK 1873.

Many of the graduate program offerings are also open to members of other academic study communities to allow for exchange between different scientific fields. The university-wide Doctorate plus program opens up an additional opportunity for academic and extracurricular skill development for doctoral students.

The faculty thus offers internationally competitive, structured doctoral training at the highest scientific level. University-wide guidelines for international graduate schools guarantee excellent education conditions for doctoral students. They also include collaborations between university research focus areas and collaborative projects as well as with non-university research institutions. The financial endowment of the graduate schools ensures their continous operation and coordination. The aim is also to award scholarships for excellent students in order to further increase international visibility and competitiveness.

© Volker Lannert

Interdisciplinary Graduate Schools

SciMed Doctoral  Academic Study Community

Doctoral  Academic study community for Human medicine

BIGS Clinical and Population Science

For Human medicine specialists

ImmunoSciences and Infection

GRK 2168: International Graduate Academic Study Community "Bonn and Melbourne Research and Graduate School"

BIGS Immunosciences and Infection


BIGS Neurosciences                               

International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Brain and Behavior

Synaptic Micronetwork in Health and Disease                                                 (SFB1089)


BIGS Drug Sciences

GRK 1873: "Pharmacology of 7TM-Receptors and Downstream Signaling Pathways"

Cardiovascular Diseases

iRTG TRR 259 "Aortic Disease"

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