Career Paths
The Medical Faculty offers numerous opportunities for the next generation of scientists and clinicians to expand their academic development. This starts with the basic student education and ends with the appointment to a professorship. The following page gives you an overview of the various academic milestones, such as the doctorate or the habilitation, but also new career paths in education, such as the accedemization of the nursing professions.
Supporting Young Talents

Doctorate Dr. med. /
Dr. med. dent.
For physicians and dentists, the faculty offers the possibility to acquire a doctorate title within the framework of scientific research. This is completed with the title "Dr. med." or "Dr. med. dent" for dental medicine students.

Doctorate PhD
Since 2014, the faculty has also offers scientists the opportunity to pursue a doctorate in the context of scientific research. This program usually requires three to five years and is completed with the title "PhD".

Doctoral Progams & Graduate Schools
Accompanying the doctorate, there is the option, depending on the student's background and chosen field of research, to complete a structured doctoral program or to join a research training group and thus acquire additional competencies.
Doctorates were completed at the Medical Faculty in 2020
as PhD
Academization of the Nursing Professions
As employees in the nursing professions are increasingly required to take on more responsibility and have more medical knowledge, there is a growing desire to make these professions more academic. In Bonn, a course of study in midwifery is currently being developed.

Clinician Scientist & Medical Scientist
A career in science poses a great challenge to physicians. The Medical Faculty therefore offers various funding programs to support training as a Clincian Scientist.
The role of Medical Scientists has also become increasingly important in clinical research in recent years. To meet this need, targeted training opportunities are currently being designed at the faculty.
Academic Career

Information and requirements for submitting a habilitation / rehabilitation.
Adjunct (apl) Professorships
Information on obtaining the designation of "Adjunct Professor".

Current announcements and information on how to apply for a professorship.