Study Advisory Board
The Study Advisory Board is responsible for two elementary functions at the Medical Faculty:
- It provides advice to the Dean and the Faculty Council in matters of teaching and studies. Especially in matters of teaching reforms and evaluation procedures, the Study Advisory Board is consulted.
It prepares proposals on new examination regulations. Decisions on these proposals are made by the Faculty Council. In case the Faculty Council does not wish to follow a proposal of the Advisory Board, it may replace the proposal. Furthermore, it can make decision which are not based on a submitted proposal. In both cases, a majority of two thirds of its votes is required. For decision, which do not concern organizational aspects of the examination regulations, the simple majority of its votes is sufficient. Organizational aspects concern the number of examinations and modules as well as the examination procedure.

Half of the advisory board is represented by the Dean of Studies as chairperson, at least one member of the university professors and the academic staff. The other half consists of a corresponding number of students.
Depending on the regulations of the university and the faculty, doctoral students can also be represtend in the Study Advisory Board (in the sense of § 11 Abs. 1 S. 3 HG). In this case, at least one doctoral student holding teaching responsibilities and a corresponding number of students join the Board. During decisions on the submission of a proposal as well as other voting procedures, all members including the chairperson have one vote each. In case of a split vote, the proposal is not submitted.
Election of members
The Faculty Council elects the members of the Study Advisory Board on the basis of proposals from the respective groups. Taken into account is also the gender parity in the sense of § 11c HG. Re-election is permitted. The term of office is two years, for students and doctoral candidates in the sense of paragraph 3 page 2 one year.
Members of the Study Advisory Board
The Study Advisory Board is chaired by the Dean of Studies:
Prof. Dr. Bernd Pötzsch

Teacher Representation
University Lecturer
- Prof. Dr. Valentin Stein
Academic Staff
- Dr. Gregor Massoth
- PD Dr. Ernst-Heinrich Helfgen
- Dr. Silke Künzel

Student Representation
Student Representatives
- Ms Corinna Boden
- Ms Luisa Offenberg
- Ms Saskia Böttger
- Ms Clara Engel
- Ms Julia Schreiner
Libraries (centralized and decentralized) to the University of Bonn
2.3 Mio.
Books and magazines are located in the central library
c. 260
Thousand borrowings take place per year in the libraries
Manuela Feller, M.A.
Leitung Prüfungsamt
Petra Häckmanns-Hanf
Sekretariat Geschäftsführung