Structure and Personnel Commission

Function of the Structure and Personnel Commission

The Structure and Personnel Commission is a dean's committee that precedes the Faculty Council.

Its role is the strategic and economic examination of applications for the

  • Establishment of new clinics/institutes
  • Reappointments of professorships
  • Establishing professorships
  • Recommendations to the Faculty Council are being developed.

Information on the Application

Please submit the complete documents 10 working days before the date of the commission meeting (

A complete application includes the following documents:

  1. Cover letter to the Dean with justification for the application
  2. Concept for the professorship with the following contents
    1. Research and teaching
    2. Intended involvement in faculty research focus areas.   

    3. Planned cooperations   

    4. Applicant situation

    5. Endowment contract or endowment commitment   

    6. Comments on the financing of the professorship

  3. University staffing form (resource planning)
  4. Draft of a tender text according to template German / English
  5. Proposal to the members of the Appointment commission
  6. For Tenure-track professorships: specification of the model (Tenure-Track models)

Commission Composition

Prof. Dr. Bernd Weber (Dekan, beratend)

Managing Director of the Medical Faculty:
Herr Marc Pabélick

Medical Director and Chairman of the Board of UCB:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Wolfgang Holzgreve, MBA (advising)

Business Director of the UKB:
Herr Clemens Platzköster (advising)

Professorin bei Antrittsvorlesung

University Lecturers


  • Prof. Dr. Bernd Weber (Dean)
  • Prof. Dr. Berd Fleischmann (Vice Dean, advisory) - Institute of Physiology I
  • Prof. Dr. Gunther Hartmann (Vice Dean, advisory) - Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Pharmacology
  • Prof. Dr. Heinz Beck - Institute for Exp. Epileptology and Cognitive Sciences
  • Prof. Dt. Thomas Becker - Institute for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Prof. Dr. med. Peter Brossart - Medical Clinic III (Oncology)
  • Prof. Dr. Oliver Brüstle - Reconstructive neurobiology
  • Frau Prof. Dagmar Dilloo - Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
  • Frau Prof. Dr. Franziska Geiser - Clinic and Polyclinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy
  • Prof. Dr. Frank Holz - University Ophthalmic Clinic Bonn
  • Prof. Dr. Achim Hoerauf - Institute of Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology
  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Jäger - Polyclinic for Orthodontics
  • Prof. Dr. Jörg C. Kalff - Clinic and Polyclinic for General, Visceral, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Klockgether - Department of Neurology, Bonn University Hospital
  • Prof. Dr. Glen Kristiansen - Institute of Pathology
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Kurts - Institute for Experimental Immunology
  • Prof. Dr. Eicke Latz - Institute for Innate Immunity
  • Prof. Dr. Alexander Mustea - Gynecological Clinic
  • Prof. Dr. Georg Nickenig - Heart Center, Medical Clinic and Policlinic II
  • Frau Prof. Dr. Alexandra Philipsen - Clinic for Psychiatry & Psychotherapy
  • Herr Prof. Dr. Alexander Radbruch - Clinic for Neuroradiology
  • Frau Prof. Dr. Susanne Schoch McGovern - Institute for Neuropathology
  • Prof. Dr. Helmut Stark - Clinic for Dental Prosthodontics
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Strassburg
  • Prof. Dr. Rainer Surges
  • Prof. Dr. Hartmut Vatter - Clinic for Neurosurgery
  • Prof. Dr. Dieter Wirtz - Clinic and Polyclinic for Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery
  • Frau Prof. Dr. Brigitta Weltermann - Institute for General Practice
  • Frau Prof. Marieta Toma - Institute of Pathology
  • Frau Prof. Anna-Christin Konermann - Polyclinic for Orthodontics
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Hölzel - Institute for Experimental Oncology
  • Prof. Dr. Markus Nöthen - Institute for Human Genetics
Wissenschaftlerinnen im Labor
© Johann F. Saba / UKB

Academic staff


  • Dr. Birgit Simon - Radiologische Klinik
  • PD Dr. Martin von Websky - Klinik und Poliklinik für Allgemein-, Viszeral-, Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie
  • PD Dr. Kourosh Kabir - Klinik und Poliklinik für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
  • Dr. Gregor Massoth - Klinik und Poliklinik für Anästhesiologie und Operative Intensivmedizin
  • PD Dr. Gudrun Ulrich-Merzenich - Medizinische Klinik III (Onkologie)
  • PD Dr. Dagmar Wilsmann-Theis - Klinik und Poliklinik für Dermatologie und Allergologie
Studierende vor dem Hörsaal
© Johann F. Saba



  • Joelle Cäcilia Mischer
  • Marie Julie Jungblut


49 ERC grants (including completed projects) were awarded to researchers at the Medical Faculty


5355 scientific publications were published from 2022 - 2024 by scientists of the faculty


Scientists conduct research at the Faculty of Medicine (as of dec. 2024)


Avatar Böhm

Christina Böhm

Prodekanat für Nachhaltigkeit / Projekt- und Gremienmanagement Nachhaltigkeit / Zur Zeit nicht im Dienst

Venusberg-Campus 1

53127 Bonn

Avatar Hammoud

Sarah Hammoud

Gremienmanagement & Berufungen

Venusberg-Campus 1

53127 Bonn

Avatar Louati

Saoussen Louati

Gremienmanagement und Wahlbeauftragte

Venusberg-Campus 1

53127 Bonn

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