Examination Board
The Examination Board is the examination authority for university tests in the first/preclinical and second/clinical stages of study. There is a separate examination board for each course of study. At the Faculty of Medicine, there are the examination boards for the subjects of human medicine and dentistry. The examination board is responsible for organizing the university examinations and for deciding on related matters. For example, the examination board decides on requests for withdrawal, compensation for disadvantages, appeals against examination decisions and in cases of attempted cheating.
The examination board consists of 8 persons and one deputy for each. Members are elected in the faculty council and meetings take place in camera:
- Chairman/Chairwoman
- 2 members from the group of university professors
- 2 members from the group of the academic staff
- 2 members from the group of students in the program of study
Meeting dates:
The meetings of the examination boards are not open to the public. Therefore, the meeting dates are not listed here. For questions about the meetings, please contact the examination office.
Composition of the Audit Committees
In accordance with § 13 Para. 2 of the Study and Examination Regulations for the degree programme in Human Medicine and § 14 Para. 2 of the Study and Examination Regulations for the degree programme in Dental Medicine, the term of office of the members from the group of university teachers and from the group of academic staff is three years. The term of office of the student members is one year.

- Prof. Valentin Stein
- Prof. Stefanie Kürten (Vice Chair)
Other members:
- Prof. Nicole Sänger (university professors)
- Prof. Nicole Ernstmann (university professors)
Research associates:
- Dr. Christof Völker
- Dr. Nils Sommer
- Ms Jil Jubel
- Mr Martin Rodemann
Alternate members:
- Prof. Wolfgang Voos (for the Vice Chair)
- Prof. Markus Essler (for Prof. Sänger)
- Prof. Mariacarla Gadebusch Bondio (for Prof. Ernstmann)
- Dr. Stefanie Schliwa (for Dr. Völker)
- Dr. Ramona Dolscheid-Pommerich (for Dr. Sommer)
- Ms Joelle Mischner (for Ms Jubel)
- Mr Simon Hatterscheid (for Mr Rodemann)

- Prof. Valentin Stein
- Prof. Søren Jepsen (Vice Chair)
Other members:
- Prof. Helmut Stark (university professors)
- Prof. Nicole Ernstmann (university professors)
Research associates:
- Priv.-Doz. Dr. Svenja Memmert
- Priv.-Doz. Dr. Nils Heim
- Ms Aya Abdaun
- Ms Julia Charlotte Erhard
Alternate members:
- Prof. Franz-Josef Kramer (for the Vice Chair)
- Prof. Andreas Jäger (for Prof. Stark)
- Prof. Mariacarla Gadebusch Bondio (for Prof. Ernstmann)
- Priv. Doz. Dr. Ernst-Heinrich Helfgen (for Priv.-Doz. Dr. Memmert)
- Priv.-Doz. Dr. Pia Jervøe Storm (for Priv.-Doz. Dr. Heim)
- Ms Lucia Zoe Miehe (for Ms Abdaun)
- Ms Viktoria Krasovski (for Ms Erhard)
Doctorates were completed at the Medical Faculty in 2020
of which female
Manuela Feller, M.A.
Leitung Prüfungsamt
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn
Anna Nitsch, Ass. iur.
Leitung Prüfungsamt, Referentin Prüfungsrecht und Referentin Prüfungsausschuss Humanmedizin
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn
Yeliz Altut Karamann, MLaw
Prüfungsamt Medizin
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn