Universität Bonn

Medizinische Fakultät

From all over the world to Bonn

Erasmus Incoming Student Mobility - Faculty of Medicine Bonn

Welcome to the Medical Faculty of Bonn!
Find all information about the medical education in Germany, the course catalogue and the Erasmus+ nomination and application procedures here.

© Johann Saba / UK Bonn

General Information


Nomination and Application Procedure

Students have to apply at their home universities. Once they have been selected for an Erasmus stay at our faculty, the nomination has to be completed via an online system. Students register and login to Mobility Online910 → how to apply and fill in the online form. They print the form, sign it and get it signed by the Erasmus coordinator at the home university.

To complete the registration, please send the signed form to the Erasmus Office of the Medical Faculty erasmus@ukbonn.de.

The deadlines are:

1st of May for the winter term or a full academic year
1st of November for the summer term

German Language Requirements

German is the only language of instruction and examination in the degree course of human medicine at our faculty. Therefore a minimum level of German equivalent to the B1-level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is required. A B2-level in German is mandatory for students in the practical year. 

Learning Agreements

For detailed information on our curriculum please take a look at our course catalogue56.

All our clinical courses and practicals are offered every semester (i.e. winter as well as summer semester). You can select and combine courses from all clinical semesters (provided there are no time overlaps).

The deadline for handing in your Learning Agreements is June 30 for the winter semester and December 31 for the summer semester.

Academic Year 2023/2024

Winter Term:

  • 1st October 2023 - 31st March 2024
  • Lecture period: 10th October 2022 - 27th January 2023
    (lecture-free: 27th December 2022 - 6th January 2023)
  • Examination period: 30th January 2023 – 24th February 202

Summer Term:

  • 1st April – 30th September 2024
  • Lecture period: 8th April 2024 - 19th July 2024
    (lecture-free period: 20th May 2024 – 24th May 2024)
  • Examination period: 3rd June 2024 – 2nd August 2024

The semester dates at the Medical Faculty may differ from those of other faculties of the University of Bonn. Every semester lasts 16 weeks.

Academic Year 2024/2025

Winter Term:

  • 1st October 2024 - 31th March 2025
  • Lecture period: 7th October 2024 - 31st January 2025
    (lecture-free period: 24th December 2024 - 6th January 2025)

Summer Term:

  • 1st April 2025 - 30th September 2025
  • Lecture period: 7th April 2025 - 18th July 2025                                                              (lecture-free period: 9th June 2025 - 13th June 2025)

The semester dates at the Medical Faculty may differ from those of other faculties of the University of Bonn. Every semester lasts 16 weeks.

The International Office of the University of Bonn organises Welcome Days10 in the week before the beginning of the semester. During the welcome days all important administrative formalities are executed.

Like in many university towns in Germany, the housing situation for students in Bonn is quite difficult, especially in October. Please start searching for accommodation, also on the private market, as early as possible and read the detailed and useful information and advices provided by the International Office11 of the University of Bonn.

Medical Education in Germany

The regulations governing the undergraduate medical curriculum in Germany are set forth in the "Approbationsordnung für Ärzte" (ÄAppO). According to German study regulations, 12 semesters (6 years) are required to study medicine. Undergraduate education extends over 6 compulsory years: the preclinical phase, first and second clinical phase and a Practical Year (see below).
Since June 2002 a new ÄApp0 has been introduced and gradually must be implemented at all 36 public and the only one private Medical Faculty in Germany from winter semester 2003 onwards. Configuration details of the ÄAppO are organised according to the pre-rogative of the Medical Faculties. Until winter term 2005/6 regulations of the old and new ÄAPPO are allowed parallel to each other. Below given details refer only to the new ÄAppO, parallel arrangements for the old ÄAppO for the most part until September 2006 must be inquired at the Dean of Medical Education's office.
Aspects of undergraduate medical education in Bonn exceeding the prescriptions laid out in the ÄAppO include palliative medicine, pain medicine, communication, haemotherapy and systematic internationalisation. Though covering the entire range of community obliged medical education, additionally specific educational and research majors have been identified for Bonn: genetics, vasculatory diseases, syndromes of the gastro-intestinal system, neurosciences, interdisciplinary and international aspects of medical education and co-operation.

1st major phase (preclinical phase)
2 years / 4 preclinical semesters (1st subphase)
First State Examination
[Multiple Choice + Oral Examination]
2nd major phase (clinical phase)
1 year / 2 clinical semesters (2nd subphase)
2 years / 4 clinical semesters (3rd subphase)
Practical Year (PJ) (4th subphase)
3 terms of 16 weeks each in internal medicine, surgery and optional subject
Second State Examination
[Multiple Choice + Oral Examination]

Additional information and legal regulations concerning the course content of each semester of study can be found in the regulations governing the degree programme in medicine at the University of Bonn (Studienordnung für den Studiengang Medizin an der Universität Bonn). These university regulations determine the content-specific prerequisites for various subjects and the sequence in which certain courses must be taken. The course descriptions in this brochure also list these course prerequisites. Copies of the study regulations are available at the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Medicine (Studiendekanat der Medizinischen Fakultät).
Certain courses (Pflichtkurse) are mandatory for admission to the state examinations listed above. Students can supplement the required curricula with additional courses selected from optional subjects (Wahlfächer). Some optional courses are generally recommended for all students, whereas others may be selected by students according to their individual interests. This brochure contains only the mandatory courses.
The comprehensive course offerings in all subjects at the University of Bonn are listed in the course catalogue / lecture timetable (Vorlesungsverzeichnis). The course catalogue is issued each semester and can be purchased in local bookstores. Participation in a broad range of courses is both an essential part of a sound and thorough education in medicine and good preparation for attaining individual career goals. The course catalogue also contains a map of the city including the locations of all the main university facilities.


Students University of Bonn


International Students


Erasmus students per annum

The ECTS Credit Point System

The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) is a system based on allocation and transfer of academic credits. It was developed and tested in a pilot scheme by 145 European institutions of higher education from all Member States and EFTA countries. ECTS was developed as an instrument of improving academic recognition throughout the European Universities by means of effective and general mechanisms. ECTS serves as a model of academic recognition, as it provides greater transparency of study programmes and student achievement. ECTS in no way regulates the content, structure and or equivalence of study programmes. These are issues of quality which have to be determined by the higher education institutions themselves when establishing a satisfactory basis for co-operation agreements, bilaterally or multilaterally.

The main characteristics of ECTS are:

  • Credits are allocated to each course unit. The starting point is the normal pattern of courses a student would have to take in an academic year. 60 credits represent the workload of an academic year of study.
  • Each institution produces an information package as a guide to all courses available to ECTS students. The courses are described not only in terms of content but also have credits added to each course.
  • Before the student leaves for the host institution, the home Institution and the student sign a learning agreement in which the study programme abroad is agreed upon.
  • A transcript of records which gives all details of previous higher education is attached to the learning Agreement.
  • The transcript of records lists all successfully completed courses together with details on the course, code, content and credits.
  • The home institution guarantees full academic recognition. The study period abroad replaces a comparable period of study at the home university.

In order to promote a universal implementation of ECTS as part of ERASMUS, the European Commission respects the right of each institute of higher education, to choose whatever recognition methods or agreements best suit their particular needs.
If, however, student mobility is to provide universal academic recognition, as many universities as possible should give thought to a system of recognition using commonly understood measurements.
ECTS has so far proved the best instrument to create transparency. Universities that receive financial support for their ERASMUS programmes should envisage measurements to implement ECTS at their institution - or if it is already in use, to try to progress ECTS implementation within further departments/ faculties.

Attendance is required in the mandatory courses and these courses also all conclude with a graded certificate documenting academic performance. The mandatory courses have been allotted a certain number of credit points listed in this brochure. A student who attends the entire range of mandatory courses can earn 60 credit points in one academic year.

Students requiring an additional graded assessment of academic performance in special parts of a subject (e.g. cardiology or pneumology in internal medicine) in order to obtain fellowship relevant credit for the course at their home institution should contact the ERASMUS departmental co-ordinator after arriving in Bonn. Examination dates for such graded assessments can be arranged solely by the European Office of the Medical Faculty. The range of grades attained for the examinations are set up for the ECTS Transcript of Records from A to E corresponding to the German grading from passed (1 = best to 4 = passed with the minimal standard requested) and F corresponding to the German grading 5 (not passed).

On the following pages the mandatory courses are listed within the framework of the usual schedule of studies for students of medicine at the University of Bonn. Here incoming ERASMUS students can find the allotted number of ECTS credit points, as well as a brief description of the course content and the assessment requirements.

Course Catalogue

Clinical Phase

The successful completion of the First State Examination is a requirement for admission to the clinical segment of the undergraduate degree programme in medicine. The first year of clinical study consists of courses in basic clinical subjects, as well as a comprehensive course in clinical examination and the general examination methods in the operative and non-operative subject areas. The actual clinical part takes place in the second half of the clinical segment of studies. These activities build upon the knowledge acquired in previous semesters. Students have increased direct contact with patients and become familiar with the various areas of specialisation. The clinical courses include the presentation of patients and practical exercises on the ward. Usually a practical part and seminars in a block are accompanied by a semester long lecture course which is not compulsory.

Theoretical education is reduced from about two thirds of all classes during the first two clinical semesters to about 25% during clinical semesters 3 - 6 (Table 2). During the last clinical year theoretical classes are further restricted to one voluntary day per week which can overlap with continued medical education for postgraduates.

Regardless of these shifts the overall regimen in education is compulsory attendance on the wards during the morning 5 days a week, followed by compulsory and voluntary attendance at lectures and seminars in the afternoon sessions. Subjects are preferentially restricted to one semester. 22 compulsory subjects are complemented by 12 transversal, interdisciplinary subjects (including alternative medicine modules and methods) and 5 block practicals. Teaching methodology and examination policies are under the autonomous decision of the Faculty. Thus details of this general scheme can ary between different Faculties according to specific majors foreseen in their curricula. Therefore impact of the new ÄAPPO ruleson mobility within Germany and between German and other European partner institutions still remain to be investigated.

Erasmus+ student mobility for traineeships

For students in the practical year, we have to draw your attention to the following regulations:

  • German language skills have to be at a B2-level (you must be able to talk to patients without any problem as you will have to responsibly execute some clinical tasks). A language certificate is mandatory.
  • Extra clinical practice cannot be guaranteed, the clinics decide according to their capacities.
  • Requests for clinical attachments are limited to 3 individually arranged clerkships per student, each clerkship should have a minimum duration of 4 weeks.
  • Students in their practical year will not receive financial rewards. 
© Colourbox
© Johann Saba / UK Bonn

Free mover exchange students

As we don't have a centralized procedure for the allocation of clinical electives to foreign students, we ask you to apply directly to the clinics of your interest. Addresses and contact persons can be found at our website1314.

As the clinics receive many applications from foreign students, you can increase your chances by sending the following documents

  • letter of motivation
  • curriculum vitae
  • language certificate in German (mandatory level B2)
  • transcript of records


Vera Mattner, M.A.

Erasmus+ Outgoing Students, Erasmus+ Praktikumsförderung, Teaching Staff Mobility


+49 151 188 03833

Building B 33
Tuesday 10:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m

Monday to Friday 10:00  - 11:00 a.m

Tom Kemper, B.A.

Erasmus+ Incoming Students


+49 151 188 53382

Building B 33
Thursday 1:00  - 3:00 p.m

Monday to Friday 11:00 a.m  - 12:00 p.m

Your way to us

Bureau of Studies of the Faculty of Medicine
Venusberg-Campus 1, Build. 33, D-53127 Bonn

QR-Code Gebäude 33
© UK Bonn
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