Researchers decode new antibiotic1
More and more bacterial pathogens are developing resistance. There is an increasing risk that common drugs will no longer be effective against infectious diseases. That is why scientists around the world are searching for new effective substances. Researchers from the University of Bonn, the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF), Utrecht University (Netherlands), Northeastern University in Boston (USA) and the company NovoBiotic Pharmaceuticals in Cambridge (USA) now have discovered and deciphered the mode of action of a new antibiotic. Clovibactin is derived from a soil bacterium. This antibiotic is highly effective at attacking the cell wall of bacteria, including many multi-resistant “superbugs.” The results have now been published in the renowned journal “Cell.” 
Awareness Workshop: Power Abuse in the Sciences2
The University of Bonn and its faculties are organizing an awareness workshop on the subject of "Power Abuse in the Sciences" on the 13th of October 2023 between 9 and 13 o'clock in the main building of the University.
University of Bonn Awards Teaching Prizes4
Fourteen teachers at the University of Bonn have been presented with teaching prizes from the University in recognition of their dedication to the profession. The lecturers—six women and eight men—were chosen by the students themselves. They were handed their prize certificates by Prof. Dr. Klaus Sandmann, Vice Rector for Teaching, Learning and University Development, at a ceremony on the Hofgarten lawn in Bonn that formed part of the Universitätsfest and was attended by over 4,000 people.
Universitätsfest Breaks All Records5
This year’s Universitätsfest at the University of Bonn was a truly record-breaking event: never before had the University of Excellence bid a fond farewell to so many graduates, with just shy of 1,700 participants signing up for the celebrations. They were joined on the Hofgartenwiese by some 4,000 guests to enjoy a lively party accompanied by glorious sunshine and temperatures to match.
NeurotechEU Enters Next Phase6
On Monday, the European Commission announced its chosen recipients for the second round of funding in the European Universities initiative. NeurotechEU—the European University of Brain and Technology, which the University of Bonn is part of, is among the alliances to have secured a further four years of funding. Led by Radboud University in Nijmegen, eight other universities are involved in NeurotechEU alongside the University of Bonn. They are joined by over 250 partners from industry, academia and civil society. The aim is to build an innovative, trans-European network of excellence for brain research and brain technologies.
First-Ever “Modelling for Life and Health” Transdisciplinary Research Prize Awarded7
Prof. Dr. Thomas Schultz from the Institute for Computer Science II at the University of Bonn and Priv.-Doz. Dr. Theodor Rüber from the Clinic and Polyclinic for Epileptology at the University Hospital Bonn are the first winners of the “Modelling for Life and Health” Transdisciplinary Research Prize, which is presented by the Modelling and Life & Health Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRAs) at the University of Bonn. The €120,000 award funds highly innovative research projects at the interface between mathematics or computer science on the one hand and the topics covered by the TRA Life & Health on the other.  
New call for prototyping grants open until August 258
Researchers at the University of Bonn can receive up to € 50,000 to further develop science-based and innovative start-up ideas. For this purpose, the Transfer Center enaCom invites applications for prototyping grants to prepare start-up projects from research for commercialization. The application deadline for the current call is August 25, 2023.
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